Friday, July 29, 2016

Harem Sister: Chapter 4 - Sinful Nun

“You can secretly view the chapel from here.”

Rumors of Hilcruz recuperating at the Milka Cathedral seemed to have made their way outside.

The famous knight woman named Ursula had arrived as a messenger from Ishtar.

The knight woman had been sent instead of Tiger Knight General Dexel, who was in command of pursuing Hilcruz, because this was a women’s only cathedral.

Still, Silver War Goddess Ursula had once been Crown Prince Felix’s master and she was now known as his most beloved woman.

Most importantly, she was the one who had actually killed Hilcruz’s father Hilmedes during the coup d’etat.

Hilcruz always tried to act like a courageous warrior, but there was no way he could remain calm when he heard that name.

Priestess Euphoria had promised to shelter him, but refusing to directly meet with the kingdom’s messenger would only amplify their suspicion. Ursula had demanded an audience inside the chapel. When he heard about that, Hilcruz insisted on watching the confrontation from a hidden room.

The chapel’s left wall contained a painting of an angel, a goddess, and a red bird playing by the water’s edge. One of the stones inconspicuously drawn on the lake’s surface was a magic jewel and it could be used to peek in from the adjacent room.

“Thanks. This is a huge help.”

He thanked Velvet for guiding him here and she responded with her usual fussy complaints.

He immediately peered into the cathedral and saw Nun Apprentice Sigyn run inside.

“Lady Ursula from the Ishtar Kingdom is here.”

“Very good. Let her in.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Adolescent Adam 4: Chapter 8 - Song of Songs

FeTUS headquarters had been partially destroyed along with the clock tower, Ange and Rapha had used up all their power, and the other three were useless.

With no one left to fight, the battle between heaven and earth had to be put on hold.

On the terms that discussions would be held at a later date, the angels and Mutsuki were released and Lucia had vanished at some point. Mutsuki left with Ange and Rapha during the calm eye of the typhoon.

Rapha had been badly burned by Ange’s flames, so the other three angles took him away. He would need serious healing up in heaven.

Ange was not injured herself, but she seemed very tired and she fell asleep on the way. They made it back to the apartment before long.

Micha had been left in the park, but she was back at the apartment as if nothing had happened.

“Well then.”


“I’m definitely getting a pay cut after putting you in danger and losing to a demon of all things. That new motorcycle I’ve been wanting is looking a long way off now.”

“Ah…ah ha ha.”

“This calls for a drink! Bring out the beer!”

“That has nothing to do with this.”


When he scolded her, Micha puffed out her cheeks and obediently sipped at a cola through a straw.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Harem Sister: Chapter 3 - Holy Warrior

“With injuries as bad as yours, it’s a miracle you survived. You should not push yourself too hard even if you have recovered a little.”

Once every morning, Priestess Euphoria would look at his wounds and provide magical healing. She was not known as a holy woman for no reason, so she was the most skilled person in the Milka Cathedral when it came to healing magic.

When Euphoria arrived for her visit with Velvet, she looked down at Hilcruz, who had been stripped naked by Sigyn and Gracen, and gave a cold sigh of exasperation.


The boy could be conceited, but he honestly apologized for once. To be blunt, it was because the reopened wounds hurt like hell.

He had been so focused on having sex with Sigyn the night before that he had torn his partially-healed wounds back open.

When the nun trainee had screamed, his bodyguard Gracen had rushed in, she had realized how serious the situation was, and she had reported it to Velvet.

The bespectacled nun in black had made plenty of harsh comments while quickly applying first aid.

She had also spanked Sigyn on the butt twenty times as punishment and forced Hilcruz to swear he would never lay his hands on another nun.

But when reporting to Euphoria, Velvet had said the wounds reopened because Hilcruz had been exercising to loosen up his stiff body.

That holy woman had a sheltered background as a royal, so she was a prude when it came to sex. If she learned the truth, it was entirely possible she would immediately kick the two of them out of the cathedral. Velvet was apparently kind enough to take pity on them concerning that.

Hilcruz had judged her on her appearance and assumed she had a stick up her ass, so he had to somewhat rework his opinion of the cathedral’s manager.

Of the three who knew the truth, Velvet and Gracen remained calm, but Sigyn was as jumpy as a frightened baby deer.

(I shouldn’t have done that to Sigyn.)