Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Harem Dynast Part 2: Chapter 4 - Battle of Royal Capital Curling

“This is Curling… The land in which I was born and raised.”

Ansandra sounded somber as she peeked out the carriage’s window to see her homeland after the long journey back there.

The scene before her eyes was not the one from her memories.

The Bastore Plain was blessed with plentiful grains, but Clanaria’s thorough endurance strategy had rendered it a wasteland nearly void of green.

When she had left this place, she had never even dreamed it would ever look like this.

So very much had changed in the past two months – a mere two months.

(And it is all my fault. This is the sin I must bear…)

“So it is not over yet.”

Lorent spoke to himself when he saw the famous Curling Castle.


Monday, December 25, 2017

Adolescent Adam 7: Chapter 4 - Encounter in the Dark

A place could look very different between day and night.

If asked for examples of such places, a school would probably be on anyone’s list. There was a large gap between the energy of daytime and the stillness of night.

Megutono Academy’s cultural festival was finally beginning the following day. The school was covered in decorations and that enhanced the odd atmosphere.

The space changed even more for Schwarze than anyone else.

During the day, she walked through the school building as the teacher named Katsue Subaru, but now she was her true self. Walking here as Schwarze Katze made it all feel quite different.

“…Heh heh.”

This was the best place to relax on her own. She stepped inside her classroom.

Her true age was less than 20. She had been raised without any kind of non-combat education, so she had been hesitant when first told to work as a teacher. But at some point, she had grown accustomed to standing at the lectern like this.

In truth…she had wanted to be a student.


With that thought, Ren and Machina, the two who had been sent here as students, came to mind.

She had not wanted to remember either of them. That was why she had fled here instead of staying in their FeTUS hideout.


She forgot all about enjoying the nighttime school and breathed a long sigh.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Adolescent Adam 7: Chapter 3 - A Secret with Mutsuki

FeTUS headquarters existed 2000 meters below Megutono Academy. It had as much space as several baseball stadiums, but most of that was used for labs and storing weapons.

There were no entertainment facilities and the Witches were only given a few 12-square-meter rooms each.

Although that was plenty of space if they were living alone.


Witches Miss B, aka Shirohara Ren, leaned back in her chair and sighed from the exhaustion of reading through quite a few documents.

She used this room for studying and work and the interior design was quite high society and not what you would expect for a student. She sat at a heavy wooden desk in a deep-seated wide chair. The wooden bookcase lined with textbooks glistened from its lacquer finish and a less-than-practical yellow lamp illuminated a pure white quill on the desk.

“Excuse me.”

A maid stepped in. She was wearing an apron dress that seemed to fit the interior much more.

“Miss D. Yes, perfect timing.”

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Harem Dynast Part 2: Chapter 3 - Fall of Fortress City Ramlese

“We have no intention of resisting. We only ask that Lady Ansandra ensures we are treated tolerantly. It is not much, but we have prepared a feast for you. Please rest your troops and horses here.”

Not a shred of cloud was visible in the azure sky. A silver river flowed through a dark green forest and a grassy plain. The central plain was blessed with a warm climate and the fortress city of Ramlese stood atop that green scenery. Ten troops on horseback rode out from the city and made the announcement.

The fortress city was built atop an easily-defendable hill and surrounded by walls.

It was the midpoint between the mountain castles common in the north and the plains castles common in the central plain. 20,000 people lived there and it was the base of northern Clanaria’s administration. Taking it without having to fight meant a lot.

“So even the Clanarian people will side with the strong.”