Friday, July 1, 2016

Harem Sister: Chapter 3 - Holy Warrior

“With injuries as bad as yours, it’s a miracle you survived. You should not push yourself too hard even if you have recovered a little.”

Once every morning, Priestess Euphoria would look at his wounds and provide magical healing. She was not known as a holy woman for no reason, so she was the most skilled person in the Milka Cathedral when it came to healing magic.

When Euphoria arrived for her visit with Velvet, she looked down at Hilcruz, who had been stripped naked by Sigyn and Gracen, and gave a cold sigh of exasperation.


The boy could be conceited, but he honestly apologized for once. To be blunt, it was because the reopened wounds hurt like hell.

He had been so focused on having sex with Sigyn the night before that he had torn his partially-healed wounds back open.

When the nun trainee had screamed, his bodyguard Gracen had rushed in, she had realized how serious the situation was, and she had reported it to Velvet.

The bespectacled nun in black had made plenty of harsh comments while quickly applying first aid.

She had also spanked Sigyn on the butt twenty times as punishment and forced Hilcruz to swear he would never lay his hands on another nun.

But when reporting to Euphoria, Velvet had said the wounds reopened because Hilcruz had been exercising to loosen up his stiff body.

That holy woman had a sheltered background as a royal, so she was a prude when it came to sex. If she learned the truth, it was entirely possible she would immediately kick the two of them out of the cathedral. Velvet was apparently kind enough to take pity on them concerning that.

Hilcruz had judged her on her appearance and assumed she had a stick up her ass, so he had to somewhat rework his opinion of the cathedral’s manager.

Of the three who knew the truth, Velvet and Gracen remained calm, but Sigyn was as jumpy as a frightened baby deer.

(I shouldn’t have done that to Sigyn.)

Hilcruz felt bad and did not seek after her body again. And after her boss’s scolding, Sigyn had not shown up for another night visit.

Then again, the other nun trainees continued their sexual harassment disguised as nursing.

A few days passed and Euphoria continued her magical healing every morning. Thanks to that and Sigyn’s devoted care, his wounds were healing up nicely this time.

“I will now begin the magical healing.”

During Euphoria’s magical healing, they were generally accompanied by Manager Velvet, Caretaker Sigyn, and Bodyguard Gracen.

Sigyn and Gracen would remove his bandages and bedclothes, leaving him lying naked in the bed, and Euphoria would hold out a magic jewel to let the warm magic light wash over him.

He had nothing to do while being healed, so he looked up at Euphoria’s face.

Her long, silky hair looked like it was made of melted rubies and her face was white and egg-shaped. She had long eyelashes, angled eyes, a narrow bridge to her nose, and well-formed red lips.

Her pure beauty was truly that of a holy woman.

Hilcruz realized he had trouble dealing with her. He had thought he did not care what happened to others as long as he could fulfill his ambitions, but he found himself not wanting this noble holy woman to hate him.


Euphoria suddenly looked over and their eyes met.

Embarrassed that she would notice he was entranced by her face, he quickly looked away. This time, his eyes landed on the chest contained within her habit.

The habit was designed to hide the shape of a woman’s body, but a careful look still revealed the bulges of her breasts.

(She’s got huge tits for someone who looks so holy…)

The impious boy had blasphemous thoughts about this woman who had saved his life.

He recalled those large breasts he had seen when they had first met and he recalled Sigyn’s breasts when they had had sex a few days before.

Those were the only two female bodies he was familiar with, so he could not help but compare them. However, one of the two was more than five years older than the other. It was hardly fair to compare an adolescent girl who was still growing and a young woman who looked mature and at her prime. Still, he could not help but think about how big they were.

If Sigyn’s were oranges than Euphoria’s were melons.

Her breasts had been like ripe white peaches.

When he had seen Euphoria’s naked body, Hilcruz had known nothing of the female body. He had simply been overwhelmed by her beauty.

But now that he had slept with Sigyn, he felt like his fantasies had grown more grounded.

If someone had never eaten meat before, they would not want to eat even the most delicious-looking meat. But once they learned the flavor of meat, they would be unable to stop drooling when they saw that same meat.

Hilcruz gulped as he recalled her camellia-red nipples and he found himself comparing her breasts to her intelligent face.

(Would she feel pleasure if I massaged those huge tits that stand at odds with her divine-looking face? Would her nipples grow hard? And if I sucked on her nipples, would she cry out and writhe around in ecstasy?)

He looked up at the young woman with a composed look while doing his best to imagine her face contorted in pleasure, but he had trouble picturing it.

Her unparalleled beauty had something divine to it that seemed to repel male lust.

(But she did rub my dick in that dream.)

As he recalled that embarrassing dream, he used his experience with Sigyn to imagine how nice it would feel to hold that woman of unparalleled beauty in his arms and to have her hot vaginal flesh wrapped around his penis.


He suddenly realized the magical healing was complete and Euphoria’s icy gaze was directed toward his crotch.

Men were inconvenient creatures. As soon as they had indecent thoughts, their body gave them away.

“N-no, this is…”

Hilcruz was used to the young nuns seeing his erect penis, but he was not used to this unsullied holy woman seeing it. He quickly covered it with both hands and turned his back.

That prevented him from seeing the look on her face. He did, however, hear her speaking coldly behind him.

“The wounds have healed. This will be the least magical healing session.”

“Oh, thanks. I’m grateful.”

He really was grateful, but he did not have the courage to look the pretty young woman in the eye. He kept his back to her and she placed a slender hand on his shoulder.

“From here on, you must build up your lost strength with moderate exercise.”


It was only his shoulder, but she was touching his bare skin and that only made his body grew even hotter.

It was unclear what she thought of the boy, but he heard the rustling of her clothing as she left the room.

(Oh…she’s leaving already? I was hoping she would speak with me a little longer…)

He had rejected her with his behavior, but he still silently lamented the holy woman’s indifference. Gracen stepped gallantly forward in her place.

“If you would like help exercising, could I ask you to be my sparring partner?”

Her blunt and unaffected demeanor reminded Hilcruz of a knight woman and he was much more accustomed to dealing with people like this.

“Yes, of course. I would love that.”

While Euphoria was an enigma, he had an easy time understanding this woman. He gladly accepted her request and energetically jumped down from the bed for a change of pace.

As a young and active boy, he was sick of his bedridden life.

Even if it was with a woman, he was eager to spar this holy warrior. He hated to lose, so he also wanted a rematch after their first meeting.

Bur first, Velvet cleared her throat, pushed up her glasses, and averted her gaze.

“Prince, please put some clothes on first.”

“Ah! …Oh, sorry.”

He covered his crotch with both hands again. He simply could not get used to living among nothing but women and girls.

Dressed in cotton, Hilcruz walked out onto the cathedral grounds with Gracen.

It was his first time outside in a week and summer was out in full force. The well-tended grass was like a green carpet and stone paths crisscrossed through it. The bright sun was dazzling and many plants verdantly decorated the cathedral grounds.

They were surrounded by tall steeples and the largest building was the chapel. The other buildings were residences or for the nuns’ training and studies.

The trees and plants were covered in red flowers and red fruit, but that may have been intentional as this was part of the Vermilion Bird Temple.

Hilcruz was ignorant when it came to flowers, but they were so vividly colored that he wondered if they were edible.

Gracen led him to a large sacred tree in one corner of the cathedral grounds. This seemed to be where the cathedral’s holy warriors trained.

In an age of war, even churches needed protection.

“Thanks for helping with my rehabilitation.”

When he was handed a wooden sword, Hilcruz held it at an angle in his right hand. He was not taking his opponent lightly because she was a woman. He had been trained and raised as a knight, so he had trouble balancing if he held the sword in both hands. The left hand was for a shield.

“I am honored to spar with someone as brave and noble as you, Prince Hilcruz.”

Gracen gave a polite bow. She wore a short black top that left her tight stomach exposed. She wore a navy blue pareo around her waist. She also wore gauntlets and leggings for protection.

When she raised her head, she spun around her octagonal rod, lowered her hips, and looked straight at Hilcruz.


Her short copper-colored hair fluttered in a refreshing breeze.

Her plump lips were tightened in an intense look. Her eyes were sharp yet calm. She was likely younger than twenty, but she had a solid and muscular build. She had no excess flesh. She was far taller than the average man, but the movements of her legs were stable.

She looked like she had been born to fight. That was just how powerful she seemed.

He could tell she was a simple and strong person.

Hilcruz grew more excited. As a warrior, he was always glad to face a powerful opponent.

“Okay, here I come.”

“I’m ready when you are.”


They moved toward each other with a sharp cry. Wooden sword clashed with octagonal rod like lightning.

“Kyah! Prince, you may be feeling better, but don’t push yourself too hard

Surprised by the sudden shrill cry of joy, he looked around and found the young nuns gathered around to watch.

The fact that Hilcruz and Gracen were sparring must have spread through the cathedral in no time. Their match was being used as a form of entertainment or a way to pass the time.

“Show him what you can do, Gracen

Gracen received some cheers as well.

She was apparently quite popular among the young nuns.

He did not know it at this point, but she was actually skilled enough to have been the youngest person ever chosen to be a Sanctuary Knight for the Vermilion Bird Temple.

With that and her tall, androgynous beauty, it was hardly surprising those young girls were fond of her. However, Gracen seemed to find the young girls a nuisance. There was clear annoyance on her face.

The noisy cheering stopped as soon as Velvet showed up in her black habit and silver-rimmed glasses.

“How long are you going to waste time here? Don’t you have work to do?”

After she pushed her glasses up and scolded them, the young nuns scattered.

“Prince, you are still not 100%. Please call it quits after a bit.”

“I know.”

After Hilcruz’s short response, Velvet shrugged a little and left.

With no one left to interfere, the two exchanged more than two hundred blows. They were both out of breath by then, so they took a break below the nearby sacred tree.

The large tree looked hundreds of years old and not even an adult would be able to reach their arms all the way around. That meant it had lots of green leaves that provided plenty of shade. It likely watched the holy warrior women train and then protected them from the summer sun.


Hilcruz lay sprawled out in the shade and Gracen dumped a metal bucket of water on him after returning from the well.


He sat up in surprise.

“The rumors were right about you, Your Highness. You’re very strong.”

Hilcruz stared at her, so Gracen handed him a bamboo bottle with a slight smile in her eyes.

“You’re not bad yourself. I bet you could fight Silver War Goddess Ursula to a draw.”

He took the bottle, sat up, and drank it all down with his back against the sacred tree. Water was the sweetest nectar after some exercise.

(She’s just as lively a young woman as I thought. I really like women with this kind of refreshing personality.)

Hilcruz was a warrior to the bone, so as much as he liked the cathedral’s nuns, they seemed to live in a different world. But this holy warrior was also a warrior to the bone, so she belonged to the same mental world as him.

Hilcruz was soaking wet, but Gracen did not bother apologizing as she sat next to him and asked a question.

“Who is Silver War Goddess Ursula?”

“Ishtar’s strongest knight woman. No, maybe it would be best to call her Ishtar’s latest hero. All of Ishtar’s young knights once looked up to her. That’s just how strong and beautiful she is. She was close to Crown Prince Felix during his days as a knight apprentice and now they’re apparently lovers. She’s also the one that killed my father.”

Hilcruz answered while finishing off every last drop of the water in the bottle.

“She killed your father…?”

“Yes. My father challenged Crown Prince Felix to single combat, but she stabbed him from behind with a spear.”

“In the middle of single combat? …That’s hardly fair.”

Gracen’s eyes widened, but Hilcruz’s expression remained composed.

“It wasn’t unfair. It was my father’s fault for letting his guard down. If he had wanted to, he could have killed Felix with the very first strike, but he wanted to toy with the boy. That’s why he was killed. How it happened doesn’t matter. The result is everything.”

The two fell silent and viewed the beautiful garden.

A refreshing wind blew through, carrying a floral aroma. It also carried the scent of Gracen’s sweat to Hilcruz’s nose.

He looked over where Gracen sat with her long legs boldly exposed and found she was soaked with sweat and her short top was plastered to her skin.

This perfectly revealed the shape of her mid-sized breasts that suited her slender build. And when the sunlight hit her, he could see through the top so well she might as well have been naked.

(Wow, I can totally see her nipples poking out through the fabric.)

This was probably how the holy warrior women usually relaxed after training, but it was too much for a young boy’s eyes.

In a way, seeing her nipples through her top was even more sexual than if she had been nude. He was unsure where to look, but he kept finding his eyes glancing back over at them. The young woman herself hesitated a little and spoke.

“Your Highness, I hear you plan to eventually usurp some kingdom or another after you leave this cathedral.”

“That’s right.”

He readily admitted it and Gracen’s face moved in close.

“Why not defect to a neighboring kingdom, make a symbol of yourself, and gather troops to take back your home kingdom? That seems far simpler than your plan.”

Her face seemed a little too close, so he blushed and looked away.

“That’s too dangerous a gamble. That kingdom might choose to hand me over to Ishtar to earn their favor. And even if they did give me an army to take back my home kingdom, I would rule Ishtar in name only. My dream isn’t to take back my home kingdom. It’s to unify the continent as a great conqueror.”

Hilcruz looked up at the clouds flowing through the blue sky as he answered. Gracen suddenly stood up and kneeled before the prince who had been driven from his own kingdom.

“Your Highness, I would like to help you achieve your dream of conquest!”

“Hm? What are you saying…?”

Hilcruz was confused, but Gracen’s expression made it clear she was serious.

He had not known her for long, but her appearance and behavior told him she was an honest woman. She did not seem the type for jokes.

“Please make me your servant!”

“My servant? But I don’t have any money to pay you.”

“It isn’t about money!”

He tried to get by with a joke, but Gracen sliced his joke in two and moved in closer.

She was desperate in her own way. She got on all fours and leaned over him as he lay on the grass.

Her entire body was surrounded by the sweet and sour scent of sweat. A woman’s sweat seemed quite effective at stimulating a boy’s lust and Hilcruz was still unaccustomed to women, so he froze up.

“I’m actually from Ishtar too. My father’s name was Daetalus.”

“I-I knew Daetalus. He was one of my father’s aides. He helped train me.”

“Yes. So I actually met you when you were younger.”

“Eh? Really? I had no idea Daetalus had a daughter…”

The dangerous young woman smiled bitterly as Hilcruz’s eyes wandered.

“Of course you didn’t know. My mother was of low birth and my father did not actually love her. He slept with her on a whim and she got pregnant. She died not long after giving birth and an illegitimate daughter is nothing but a bother. That’s why I was sent to this cathedral.”

“H-he did that…?”

Hilcruz had liked Daetalus and the man’s sons had been Hilcruz’s aides. He was unsure what to say now.

“I had heard the rumors that my father and half-brothers supported your rebellion and were killed, so when you showed up here, it felt like destiny. But if you chose the easy path, it would mean that was all you were. I would have simply watched you go. But I’m afraid to say I quite liked your ambition. The goddess must have guided you to me.”

Her plump lips opened and closed right in front of Hilcruz’s eyes and her dark brown eyes were damp with passion.

His entire body felt the heat radiating from her body and he also felt her breaths.

If he had wanted to, he could have leaned forward and kissed her.

“I wish to offer all of myself to you to preserve the honor of my father’s name. I am confident in my martial arts skill, so I am sure I can be of some use. And as luck would have it, I am a woman.”

“Th-that’s true…”

Hilcruz gulped and the holy warrior smiled at her younger master’s behavior.

“You look uncomfortable down here, Your Highness.”

Gracen glanced down at his crotch where there was an unmistakable tent in his pants.

Just as he had been stealing glimpses of her body, she had apparently been stealing glimpses of his.

“I haven’t noticed Sigyn serving you in the bedroom since that night, so are you, um, in need of some relief?”

“M-maybe a little…”

When the boy admitted it, the reliable young woman’s face lit up. While straddling his hips, she stood straight up. This placed her pareo-covered hips in front of his face as he leaned back against the sacred tree.

“As a servant woman, I can’t stand to see my master’s lust unfulfilled. You haven’t officially accepted me as your servant, but if you like, please use my body as a taste of what’s to come if you accept me.”

“U-use your body…? But…”

The tall woman stood before him like a wall.

Hilcruz was shaken and reflexively tried to back away, but the sacred tree was in the way.

He whined like a cornered dog and Gracen pulled up the front of her pareo.

The base of her solid and long legs was tightly contained within sporty low-leg panties.

The fabric was thin and had soaked up her sweat during their sparring, so it was plastered to her flesh.

Her mons pubis swelled out so much it almost looked like she was hiding a boiled egg there. As a muscular woman, her pubis must have been solidly built.

When he looked closely, he could see the shape of her pubic hair and the vertical crevice.

(Oh, it’s caught between the lips…)

He moaned at the scent of feminine sweat so near his nose.

“As your servant, I am prepared to offer you my body and my soul. I will of course give my chastity to you. There is no need to hold back. Please enjoy yourself.”

Gracen’s voice grew a little nervous as she reached for either side of her sporty high-leg panties and lowered them.

Hair a little darker than the copper hair on her head grew on her plump mons pubis.

“Wh-what are you doing…?”

After removing the panties from her beautifully fit legs that were neither too thick nor too thin, Gracen spread her legs while standing.

She then parted the deep copper hair and spread her own slit.


In the sun slipping through the shade of the sacred tree, her pomegranate-like parted labia were right in front of the boy’s face. The fruit inside was ripe and ready to eat. It was overflowing with plenty of juice and it tempted the boy with a sweet and sour scent.

When he had seen Sigyn’s pussy, it had been in a dimly lit room at night, but while this was in the shade, enough bright sun made it through the leaves for him to see quite clearly.

The boy gulped as Gracen spread the flesh further like it was a butterfly’s wings.


The love juices collected inside dripped onto the tent in his pants and sticky strings remained between their crotches.

As he viewed that dripping-wet pussy in the sunlight, more and more sticky and clear liquid flowed out from the bright red flesh.

Only the very tip of the pearl pink clitoris poked out at the very top.

Apparently it did not show its full self even when she was horny.

Her vagina opened wide and he thought he saw a thin membrane-like flesh inside.

He could also see her urethra.

(Wow, so this is what a woman is like inside…)

Hilcruz opened his eyes wide as he stared intently at her, but the embarrassment of being violated by his eyes caused a tremor to run down her back, through her butt, and to her legs. The clear liquid dripped out without end and the hidden flesh twitched, so it looked like a fresh red clam.

“Pant, pant, pant… Nn…I may be a mannish woman, but I do have this hole. Please use it as much as you want.”

Gracen stuck her hips forward.


Hilcruz tried to escape on reflex, but that only slammed the back of his head against the tree. Then the woman’s crotch reached his face.


It was something like a standing version of face sitting.

She wrapped her arms around the sacred tree and started moving her hips like the boy’s face was a saddle.

“Ahhh… Feel free to enjoy my body. I’ve decided I will serve you, so I will do so in every way I can. I doubt a muscular woman who could be mistaken for a man is your preference, but you can at least use me as a fucktoy.”

Gracen roughly moved her hips back and forth.

It was like she was using the boy’s face to masturbate. The plump flesh bun, the smooth pubic hair, and the wet sexual flesh smeared Hilcruz’s nose, forehead, eyes, chin, cheeks, lips, and the rest of his face with love juices.

(Wow… What an amazing smell. They’re both women, but her pussy is completely different from Sigyn’s…)

Hilcruz could not hold back as his face was covered in that feminine scent. He obeyed his masculine instincts by grabbing her butt with both hands and sucking at the core of her body.


Gracen screamed as her hidden flesh was devoured with the ferocity of a starving dog given raw meat.

Hilcruz continued digging through her with his tongue regardless. His tongue crawled across her vagina and her urethra while he paid attention to how she reacted.

(Wow, it’s so salty. It’s a lot stickier and saltier than Sigyn’s pussy.)

Her love juices were noticeably more sticky and salty than Sigyn’s had been.

He had no intention of ranking one flavor over the other. He just enjoyed that there was a difference.

(My tongue is all tingly~…)

As he enjoyed the flavor of this harsh young woman, he was overcome with a mischievous and sadistic spirit, so he reached out his tongue and licked at the tip of her clitoris that was sticking out.


Gracen cried even louder. Her clitoris seemed to be the most sensitive.

Hilcruz took her small weak point into his mouth and licked it all around.

“Ahhhhh…. If you do that…heeeeeeee!”

He fully peeled back the hood and kneaded the small bean with his tongue. The strong-willed Sanctuary Knight gave a shrill scream, tears left her eyes, and drool dripped from her lips as she writhed in pleasure.

That tough young woman could not help but behave so immodestly as he kneaded her small maiden’s flesh.

Getting a little carried away, Hilcruz thrust his tongue tip into her vagina while poking at her exposed clitoris with his nose.

“Ah, ahhh That’s amazing… Your tongue… Ahhhn

Hilcruz did not even need to move his head much. As Gracen wrapped her arms around the sacred tree, she moved her hips enough to pleasure herself.


After an especially loud cry, Gracen went limp and slipped down from Hilcruz’s face.


She wrapped her arms around his head to keep her balance and her crotch straddled his erection.

Since she was both tall and sitting on the boy’s thighs, the breasts inside her short black top were right in front of Hilcruz’s eyes.

“Pant, pant, pant…”

She was still limp after achieving orgasm from cunnilingus. Feeling mischievous again, he pulled up the black cloth covering her chest.

Two well-formed bowl-shaped mounds spilled out.

They were larger than Sigyn’s, but about 30% smaller than Euphoria’s. They were the perfect size for her slender build.

(Even her tits are tanned. Are the nipples dark because they’re tanned too?)

Her areolae were small and the nipples poking out from them looked quite hard.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Hilcruz reached out and grabbed both mounds.

The surface of her skin felt cool, but he could feel the warm blood flowing within. Not too big and not too small, they were the perfect size to fit in his palms. They were easy to fondle.

Her kneaded the flesh starting from the base and stroked the raisin-like nipples.


The young woman sighed happily while soaking in the afterglow of orgasm.

As Hilcruz enjoyed the feel of her breasts in his hands, he sucked one nipple and then the other.

The nipples grew fully erect in no time.

They were blessed with a rough elasticity, so he used his lips and fingers to persistently toy with them.

“Ah, ahn, ahhhn

As she moaned at having her nipples sucked, she seemed unable to stop wiggling her hips forward and back.

The fluid flowing from her pussy lips soaked through his pants and reached his penis.

He may have been imagining it, but he thought he felt the heat and shaking.

While bearing with the pleasant sensation and sucking on the hardened nipples, Hilcruz looked up at and observed Gracen’s face.

(She looked so disciplined, but now she looks really horny. You just can’t trust your first impression of a woman.)

This woman had had the harsh face of a true holy warrior, but now her expression had completely melted, her mouth hung open, and both moans and drool escaped her thick lips. There was no hint of the fortitude seen during training.

Hilcruz enjoyed the sense of domination gained by pleasuring a woman until she revealed her true self. His penis was so hard he thought it would burst out of his pants.

Suddenly, their eyes met.


She looked down at him, grabbed his head, and lifted it to stop him from sucking her nipples.

“Pant, pant. Your Highness…your face…is a sight to see…”

She had apparently noticed all the love juices she had covered his face with during her standing face-sitting.

With a lustful look in her eyes, she licked at the boy’s face like it was a piece of candy.

“Ah, that tickles, Gracen.”

Despite his struggling, she continued licking her own love juices from his face and then kissed him.

“Nn! Nnn…!”

Gracen’s tongue licked across Hilcruz’s lips and then parted that gate of flesh. The boy obediently allowed in the young woman’s tongue.

She licked his front teeth, moved further in, and tangled her tongue up with his.

A good bit of her love juices remained in his mouth, but she seemed to be licking that up as well.

(Ah, I never knew a kiss could be so passionate… I think my head is going to fry.)

Hilcruz actively let in her tongue and worked his tongue around hers.

They licked at each other’s sticky tongues and sucked at each other’s saliva.

Love juices and saliva mixed together, bubbled, flowed from both of their mouths, and soaked Hilcruz’s chin.


After greedily invading his mouth like that, Gracen pulled back.

“Pant, pant, pant…”

They stared at each other while catching their breath.

Then Hilcruz made a hesitant suggestion.

“Um, Gracen, I’d, well, like to put it in before long. How about it?”

He was of course not even thinking about the possibility of a rejection. However, Gracen showed an unexpected hint of hesitation.

“B-but I’m the kind of masculine woman who gets propositioned by girls. I don’t know how to put on any makeup. I’m tall and muscular. My breasts aren’t very big. I doubt you would enjoy sleeping with a man-woman like me. But if you could at least use me as an outlet for your desires…”

“W-wait a second!”

Shocked, Hilcruz grabbed her shoulders.

“Gracen, I think you’re very mistaken about something. The young nuns aren’t looking up to you because you look like a man. They’re looking up to you as a woman. You’re incredibly beautiful, you’re skilled at combat, and people can trust you. That’s why everyone likes you.”

“I appreciate the flattery.”

They looked directly in each other’s eyes at close range, but Gracen grew embarrassed and looked away.

That cool young woman must not have been able to accept the value of her appearance.

“I’m not just flattering you. How am I supposed to get you to trust me?”

An idea came to mind, so he pressed his erection up against the young woman’s bared crotch.

“You’re amazingly sexy, so my dick is going crazy telling me it wants inside your pussy.”

“Ahn Then do you accept me as your servant?”

She gave him an embarrassed look and he gave a solid nod in response.

“Yes. I couldn’t have dreamed of having as lovely a woman for a servant.”

“Understood. Then as a sign of our bond, I will give you my virginity.”

Gracen’s tough face was suddenly brimming with confidence and a glittering smile filled her dark brown eyes.

(Wait, did she set me up there?)

He had a feeling she had, but he could not hold back any longer.

“Th-then I’ll get started.”

He sounded like a starving dog in front of some raw meat and he started to push the young woman over, but she stopped him.

“Stay there, Your Highness. You’re still recovering and we can’t have this ending the same as with Sigyn. I will put it in for you.”


He was confused, but she laid him face-up on the ground. She raised her hips, pulled them back to his thighs, set them down, and pulled his raging erection from his pants.

“Ohh, it’s already so big…”

As his manhood stood tall, as if to pierce the heavens, Gracen sighed and gently placed her hands around it as if to adore a jewel.

“Your Highness, I can place your precious thing inside me, can’t I?”

“Yes, I want to put it inside your precious place right this instant. But it’s your first time, isn’t it?”


“Then, um…I think it’ll hurt.”

He grew a little hesitant when he remembered Sigyn’s pain.

“I will bear with it.”

She gave a definite nod and a blunt reply.

“Then will you give me your virginity, Gracen?”

“Every last part of me, including my hymen, is already yours.”

She placed her right hand on his penis, spread her pussy lips with her left hand, and brought the tip up to her crotch.

Her hot love juices dripped onto the penis that was wet with precum. A breeze blew in, making it all feel a little chilly.

“Okay, put it in…”

“Yes. I will accept your kindness now, Your Highness.”

With that announcement, Gracen lowered her hips.

His penis stood tall as if to rival the sacred tree above his head. Her ham-colored hidden flesh opened in a circle and the head entered with some trouble.

(Wow, it’s so rough inside.)

Hilcruz was shocked by the folds of flesh that wrapped around him.


Gracen wrinkled her brow and groaned, but she clenched her teeth and continued lowering her hips.

As a Sanctuary Knight, she had more guts than a nun trainee.

The muscles of her inner thighs twitched as the feminine hole swallowed the flesh rod.

With this position, their point of union was entirely visible.

His thick penis entering that tough young woman’s crotch bit by bit was an incredibly obscene and powerful sight.

Finally, it was fully contained within her.

(Sh-she’s so tight… So tight and rough.)

Sigyn’s vagina had also been tight, but it had felt more like she had too little space in her body. Thinking back, hers had likely been a child’s vagina that had yet to fully develop. Meanwhile, Gracen’s body had plenty of space to take his manhood, but it squeezed down on him.

Her vagina put up a powerful resistance as it squeezed down and he began to worry it would never let his penis back out.

(Maybe women’s pussies are as different as their personalities and body types…)

While Hilcruz was overcome with emotion, Gracen lifted her hips.

An obscene noise sounded as his penis was revealed to the outside world with hot steam rising from it.

“Ah, I feel like it’s going to pull my insides out with it…”

Gracen lifted her chin and gave a pathetic cry no one would have expected from her.

“That is a hell of a lot of suction.”

Hilcruz also felt like the rough flesh pot would pull out with his penis as it tightened down on him.

And as he looked at his shaft stickily coming out, his eyes widened.

“Gracen, are you okay?”

The sunlight gave him an excellent view of their union and he saw red blood flowing out.

“Y-yes… I’m fine.”

She had tears in her eyes and her cheeks were tensed, so she was obviously forcing herself to continue, but Hilcruz enjoyed that stubbornness.

They grabbed each other’s hands, intertwined their fingers, and pressed their palms together.

They strangely felt like they could sense each other’s hearts through their palms.

With their fingers intertwined, Gracen lowered her hips once more.

Her flesh hole was larger than Sigyn’s, but it squeezed down tighter. And it produced obscenely sticky sounds as it swallowed the entire length of his manhood much more smoothly than before.

“Ahh, this is like a dream come true. To think my body would be of some use to you… Not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine this…ahhn

She seemed to have the hang of it now, so she started moving her hips rhythmically up and down. Each time, the flesh rod stirred up and forced out the love juices in her flesh pot.

The flesh pot felt amazing as the rough folds inside tightened around his penis.

Hilcruz clenched his teeth to bear with it, but this was only his second time and he had little endurance. His manhood gave a pathetic cry as it was assaulted by soft feminine flesh.

“Gracen, I’m already about to cum…”

“Y-Your Highness, I…I do want that! B-but just a…just a little longer…just a little longer and I’ll…ahh…”

He desperately held back to give her what she wanted.

The boy had twice the pride of your average person, so if he was going to have sex, he wanted to satisfy the woman.

“Ahn, it’s getting even bigger… My pussy… It’s going to…pull out my pussy!”

Gracen’s personality seemed to have entirely changed. She was sobbing as she held his hands and focused on nothing more than moving her hips up and down.

Her slender body arched backwards, her shapely breasts bounced, her hips moved even faster, and love juices sprayed out.

(Ahh, I feel like I’m being raped by her.)

His first time, he had moved his own hips and ejaculated when he wanted.

But this time, he was not moving his hips at all. He was at the young woman’s mercy.

He gathered strength in his lower stomach in a desperate attempt to endure, but he felt like his manhood was melting inside her rough and tight honey pot.

“Ah…Gracen, I can’t go on. Please forgive me…”

“Ahhhh, it’s growing even more!”

His manhood grew another size larger and the head spread out, which increased the resistance. In that instant, the crazed feminine movements of her hips stopped and she cried out in joy.

“I’m cummiiiiiiiing!!!”

Just as Hilcruz gave one last shout, something raced up his raging erection and erupted like a rising dragon.

Gracen arched back as the scorching dragon’s roar filled her vagina.


Being cummed inside must have reflexively triggered an orgasm. Her slender whip-like limbs convulsed, as did her vagina.

Once his manhood lost momentum, her tensed body relaxed and she collapsed onto his chest.

He reflexively held her in his arms.

“Pant, pant, pant…”

The woman was held in the boy’s arms and the boy held the woman in his arms. They gasped for breath and enjoyed the afterglow for a while.

Finally, Gracen hesitantly opened her mouth.

“Your Highness, can I ask one thing to commemorate becoming your servant?”

“Hm? What is it?”

He had nothing to give her and he was fairly certain she knew that.

“Please let me take care of one of your enemies.”

Hilcruz was confused, but Gracen made a serious proposition.

“Silver War Goddess Ursula. You said she is Felix’s lover. That means her position is the same as mine. Once you take another kingdom as your own and return to Ishtar, I will present her head to you.”

When he realized what she meant, Hilcruz could not help but roar with laughter.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

He even shed tears as he held her as tightly as he could.

“Now that’s what I like to hear. So you actually believe I can take over a kingdom and then return victorious to my home kingdom?”

“Yes. I know you can do it.”

She had no way of knowing that, but he could tell she was serious.

He was glad to have someone else who shared his ridiculous ambition that was little more than a madman’s dream.

“Fine then. Felix’s head is mine, but you can have Ursula.”

“Thank you very much.”

From then on, whenever Hilcruz and Gracen sparred, they would sneak away to enjoy their love affair afterwards.

But once it evolved into a daily thing, they were bound to be caught eventually.

“Ahh, prince, prince, if you’re that rough, I’m going to cum again, ahh…”

“You just keep getting more sensitive, Gracen.”

Gracen had her arms around the sacred tree with her butt sticking out. Hilcruz held that butt as he fucked her from behind.

“You’re so cute, Gracen

They looked over in surprise at the sudden shrill cheer and found Nun Trainee Sigyn with her eyes damp with emotion.


Strong-willed Gracen gave a girly shriek, but there was no hiding it now.

Sigyn was already walking over.

“Gracen, um, I’d always thought you seemed kind of dangerous or hard to approach or whatever, but you’re so cute when you let the prince fuck you. You’re just a girl at heart too

Gracen thought her face was going to burst into flames as this girl viewed it so closely while she had a penis inside her.

“Prince, um, my butt, uh, isn’t swollen anymore, so can you, um, show me some love like you are Gracen?”

Sigyn fidgeted as she made her proposition and Hilcruz smiled.

“You want to have some fun with us, Sigyn?”


Once her butt had recovered from the spankings and the pain of losing her virginity had faded, she must have been unable to forget the flavor of a man.

Hilcruz got up, pulled Sigyn close, and stole her lips.


He penetrated Gracen from behind once more and sucked on Sigyn’s lips. He groped one of Gracen’s perfectly sized breasts with his left hand and one of Sigyn’s palm-sized breasts with his right hand. As he enjoyed himself like that, he heard another shrill voice.

“Ah, no fair~ Why only Gracen and Sigyn?

He looked up and found himself surrounded by the nun trainees who looked after him on a daily basis.

“Um, do you all want to have, uh, sex too?”


The girls all nodded at once.

“But aren’t you going to become nuns?”

“We’re only here to study. There are only a few who are really going to become nuns.”

The girls’ eyes were sparkling excitedly.

Sweating from that heat, Hilcruz made a hesitant suggestion.

“Then…you already take care of me every day, so, uh, if you’re fine with me, um…how about we make that routine a little more fun?”

“Kyah~~~ Having my chastity taken by a prince is like a dream come true

The temple’s lovely maidens gathered around the prince’s carnal flesh.


  1. His char opposite of that "cowardly" crown Prince

  2. more like he is being shown to be a complete narrow minded dick, and that "cowardly" just so happens to control a strong power base, so how long until realizes his foolishness

  3. Hahaha interesting story here..
