Friday, July 29, 2016

Harem Sister: Chapter 4 - Sinful Nun

“You can secretly view the chapel from here.”

Rumors of Hilcruz recuperating at the Milka Cathedral seemed to have made their way outside.

The famous knight woman named Ursula had arrived as a messenger from Ishtar.

The knight woman had been sent instead of Tiger Knight General Dexel, who was in command of pursuing Hilcruz, because this was a women’s only cathedral.

Still, Silver War Goddess Ursula had once been Crown Prince Felix’s master and she was now known as his most beloved woman.

Most importantly, she was the one who had actually killed Hilcruz’s father Hilmedes during the coup d’etat.

Hilcruz always tried to act like a courageous warrior, but there was no way he could remain calm when he heard that name.

Priestess Euphoria had promised to shelter him, but refusing to directly meet with the kingdom’s messenger would only amplify their suspicion. Ursula had demanded an audience inside the chapel. When he heard about that, Hilcruz insisted on watching the confrontation from a hidden room.

The chapel’s left wall contained a painting of an angel, a goddess, and a red bird playing by the water’s edge. One of the stones inconspicuously drawn on the lake’s surface was a magic jewel and it could be used to peek in from the adjacent room.

“Thanks. This is a huge help.”

He thanked Velvet for guiding him here and she responded with her usual fussy complaints.

He immediately peered into the cathedral and saw Nun Apprentice Sigyn run inside.

“Lady Ursula from the Ishtar Kingdom is here.”

“Very good. Let her in.”

Bishop Euphoria nodded calmly up in the pulpit. A special sunbeam shined down on only her, enhancing her divine aura.

Her expression was so unchanged that one had to wonder whether she lacked the nerves that provided tension.

The large door opened and the troublesome woman walked in.


She had enough of a presence that Hilcruz gasped the second he laid eyes on her.

As the light warrior type of knight woman, she had the ideal combination of functional beauty and aesthetic beauty. Her body was as well-forged as a saber and he could see why she was known as the Silver War Goddess. She was a bold and powerful woman.

Gracen and the rest of the Vermilion Bird Temple’s holy warriors were lined up along either side of the chapel to intimidate the woman, but Ursula showed no fear as she walked boldly down the center. Two knight women followed behind her as bodyguards.

She stopped just below the pulpit and audibly brought her heels together in a perfect knight’s salute.

“It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Ursula, commander of Ishtar Crown Prince Felix’s Roaring Dragons. I appreciate that you agreed to meet me here, Lady Bishop.”

Euphoria replied in an aloof fashion.

“Thank you for visiting. I am Priestess Euphoria, Bishop of the Vermilion Bird Temple and leader of this diocese. The valiant name of Holy Knight Ursula is spoken of even in this land. It is an honor to meet you.”

The sunlight shining through the stained glass skylight caused the surrounding air to glitter like a kaleidoscope.

The red-haired holy woman and the brown-haired knight woman faced each other in the magnificent chapel. They were beautiful in very different ways, but both were undeniably beautiful.

It was a wondrous sight. Hilcruz felt like he was watching a mythical scene.

But the words spoken by Ursula, one of the stars of that myth, were extremely prosaic.

“First, I would like to apologize for how rudely our kingdom’s people treated you, Lady Bishop.”

“No, that was partially due to my own carelessness.”

“I appreciate your saying so.”

Ursula brushed her long brown hair back in annoyance.

“Now, let’s get to why I am here today. There are rumors stating that Hilcruz, our kingdom’s traitor, has fled to this cathedral.”

“Rumors, you say?”

“Yes. Rumors.”

The eyes of an icy beauty clashed with those of a fiery beauty, but Euphoria finally shook her head as if to say that was not enough.

“Now, how am I supposed to respond to something as vague as rumors?”

“I apologize. I should have phrased my question better. Let me restate that: Is Hilcruz, our kingdom’s traitor, staying in this cathedral?”

Ursula did not bother playing games. She got straight to the point. The look in her eyes was like a machete. She was silently telling her opponent she would reveal every last one of their secrets.

But Euphoria replied gracefully with her face as unmoving as ice.

“Prince Hilcruz is not staying in our cathedral.”

Hilcruz was a little shocked by her audacity.

Her expression remained composed even as Ursula glared at her so fiercely.

Finally, a sardonic smile appeared on the knight woman’s lips.

“Honestly. They say a warrior lies as a strategy while a priest lies to earn a living, but it would seem that’s true. Not only are you smart, you have guts too. I have a feeling you could lie to my face without batting an eye. Let me ask one more time: Is Hilcruz the Traitor really not here?”

“There is no one like that here.”

Euphoria’s expression remained entirely calm.

Ursula had no material evidence and she had arrived based on mere rumors, so she knew she could not continue this line of questioning. But she was not a celebrated knight for nothing. She was not naïve enough to simply take the priestess’s words as fact and leave.

“Then might we search the cathedral for ourselves?”

“That would be a problem. As an unwritten rule, our cathedral rejects interference from any kingdom.”

Ursula nodded at Euphoria’s argument.

“Fair enough. But the Ishtar Kingdom has long had an amicable relationship with the Vermilion Bird Temple. Could you take that into consideration and bend that rule? I promise only knight women will perform the search. If you have nothing to hide, then it would be best for both of us if you cleared away all of our doubts!”

Euphoria gave a troubled frown.

“You are asking for the impossible. The principle of temple inviolability is not my personal rule; it has been won over the long history of the Vermilion Bird Temple as a whole. I cannot make an exception on my own discretion.”

“I am only asking for a small exception. And whether Hilcruz the Traitor is here or not, we will provide your cathedral and the Vermilion Bird Temple with a suitable sign of our gratitude. You can even report to your headquarters that we forced you to comply with military might.”

That was more or less a threat, saying that was exactly what they would do if Euphoria refused.

Even Euphoria fell silent at Ursula’s forcefulness.

This ferocious lioness could not be calmed with mere argument.

Sparks burst intensely between the calm red eyes and the ferocious brown eyes.

But then a woman cut in between them.

“The Priestess is saying he isn’t here.”

It was Gracen with her octagonal rod. The young holy warrior stood so close to Ursula that their noses nearly touched. She was glaring at the knight woman.

Gracen was a bit taller, but Ursula had the wider and thicker shoulders.

Both of them had a similar aura, as they were both women who lived in a world of war.

Ursula was twenty-four, six years older than Gracen, so her body was far more mature. She was blessed with many curves and that meant she would have the greater body weight.

More body weight meant more strength.

“Stand back, wench!”

Gracen was not cowed by Ursula’s shout.

“It is our duty as holy warriors to beat down anyone who opposes the Priestess.”

Gracen’s fearless arrogance led Ursula’s bodyguard knights to place their hands on the swords at their hips.

“How rude!”

The Sanctuary Knights reacted by reaching for their weapons.

“You are the rude ones!”

Just as the tension reached its peak and the Sanctuary Knights and Royal Knights were about to cross swords, Ursula stopped her bodyguards.

“Well, that should be enough. I will show deference to the bishop for today.”

Ursula turned around. Everyone sighed when they realized she was leaving the chapel.

But just before she started toward the exit, Ursula came to a stop.

“Hey, you. Do you have some kind of grudge against me?”

“No, I have never met you before. How could I possibly hold a grudge?”

Gracen gave a proper reply, but a sneer entered Ursula’s voice.

“Oh, really? You expect me to believe that after glaring at me with murder in your eyes?”


Ursula drew her sword as she turned back around and swung it down from above.

Gracen held her octagonal rod horizontally and caught it before her eyes with a loud clang.

“What are you doing? This is absurd!”

Ursula had no interest in listening to Gracen’s protests. She gradually pressed her body weight on the sword and spoke.

“You have some skill. What is your name?”

“Sanctuary Knight Gracen.”

The sword-like beauty gave a brutal smile.

“The look in your eyes is all the proof I need. Prince Hilcruz is in this cathedral.”

“The Priestess said he is not…”

The holy warrior woman’s voice sounded strained and the knight woman pressed down with even more of her body weight. Gracen could not bear it any longer and fell to one knee. Ursula had the upper hand in a competition of pure strength.

“And you’ve fucked the prince.”


As Gracen forced out her voice while sweating bullets, Ursula pulled back her sword and sheathed it.

“Women are inconvenient creatures. The emotions of the man they love become their own. You have the look of a woman who has offered up her body and soul. Tell this to Hilcruz. …No, I imagine he’s listening.”

Ursula looked across the entire chapel and raised her voice.

“Hilcruz the Traitor! Tremble in fear and hide behind your women while you can. We cannot touch you as long as you remain inside this cathedral, but take one step outside and I will send you to meet your father.”

With those parting words, Ursula gallantly left.


Hilcruz had of course heard Ursula’s provocation.

He had always had a short temper, so if Velvet had not held him back, he would have run into the chapel while yelling at the top of his lungs.

The giant mounds of human warmth pressed softly against him were oddly effective at quelling his anger. That said, he seriously doubted he could remain calm for long.

“Why not return to your room and rest a while?”

He accepted Velvet’s suggestion and left the room.

As he walked down the hall, his vision started spinning. Unpleasant sweat poured from his body and he felt nauseous. His anger had apparently been powerful enough to send the blood rushing to his head.

Before long, he could not even walk properly, so he leaned against the wall and sat down on the floor.

“Prince, are you okay?”

Velvet panicked and worriedly rubbed his back.



Velvet was confused, but he muttered madly to himself without paying her any heed.

“I need power. I-I will kill that woman. I swear I will. I’ll kill Felix too. Mock me if you like, but mock those I care about and I will have my revenge. But I can’t do it now. I have no power. But just you wait. I will have that power in due time.”

He was so angry his blood seemed to be boiling and he lost control.

After his crazed declaration, he went limp.

Velvet placed her hand on his forehead and sighed.

“You’re a little anemic. This is what happens when you get so worked up when you haven’t fully recovered. Fine then. Get some rest. Fortunately, my room is right over there.”

She guided him into the room and he collapsed face-first into the bed.

The large pillow must have just been hung out to dry because it smelled like sunshine.

“Honestly, you might think you have your strength back, but it was only a week ago that you were so badly injured it’s a miracle you survived. I’ll go get you some water, so stay there.”

When the room’s owner left, the boy managed to relax some and looked around the room.

He had never really thought about it, but he had never been inside someone else’s room before. And this was a woman’s room.

However, this was a strict nun’s room, so it was a dreary room with no personal possessions.

That said, the window was open and a nice breeze came in.


With nothing to do, he simply let his intense anger cool. Before long, he noticed something oddly hard below the large fluffy pillow he was burying his face in. He reached underneath and did indeed find something hard there. He casually grabbed it and pulled it out.

“Hm? What is this?”

He glanced over with his face still in the pillow and saw something black. It was made from a gentle and smooth magic alloy. It was about the size of a child’s upper arm. A man’s fingers could only just barely reach all the way around it. At first glance, he thought it looked like a short sword, but it was too misshapen for that. He could not figure out why the tip was a size thicker than the rest.

He rolled onto his back, held up the strange object, and stared at it.

When he heard a shattering sound, he looked over in surprise to find a pale-faced nun in black standing in the doorway. Based on the glass shards and puddle of water at her feet, she must have dropped the water she had gotten for him.

“E-excuse me.”

Velvet was clearly shaken and she hurriedly shut the door.

She quickly crouched down, activated some magic, and gathered the scattered shards together.

Hilcruz did not know why, but he felt an odd intensity in her speed and decided to apologize.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to rummage through your things. It’s just that I felt something hard under the pillow… But what is this used for? Hm? This thing on the bottom is a magic jewel, isn’t it? So does it move if you give it magic?”

Hilcruz had been taught the basics of magic, so he gave some slight power to the magic jewel.

The mysterious tool’s tip immediately rose up as it vibrated intensely.

“Wow, this thing really moves.”


The veteran nun’s paled face grew red. She normally looked down on others with great confidence, but now her presence was on the verge of vanishing.

A mechanical buzzing filled the air between them.

Hilcruz could find nothing to say and fell silent, but there was obvious sweat pouring down the face of the woman who managed the cathedral and was known for keeping her cool. Unable to bear the silence any longer, she finally spoke in a shrill voice that was very unlike her.

“Th-that is a sample that a friend of mine forced me to take! I promise you it wasn’t something I wanted!”

“I see. So you got it from a friend?”

Overwhelmed by her desperation, Hilcruz tilted his head. Velvet continued her explanation even though he had not actually asked more.

“Y-yes. I-I am from the great and ancient eastern kingdom of Ralfint and I attended Great Sage Tode’s magic school when I was young. A cheerful girl named Orphen was an underclassman of mine and she now runs a small magic tool shop. When I visited her there, she forced me to buy this, so, um…”

“Hmm… I see. So you were originally a witch. Why did you decide to become a nun?”

Velvet pushed at her glasses and hung her head in embarrassment.

“I-I was married once, but my husband died in a war, and…”

A noble widow losing hope for the world and becoming a nun was a common story. It was a stereotypical past for the Vermilion Bird Temple’s nuns.

“But you’re still young, Velvet. Couldn’t you have remarried instead?”

“Well, um…”

Hilcruz’s left palm restlessly stroked the object in his right hand.

When she saw that, sweat covered Velvet’s body so intensely it seemed it would steam up her glasses. She finally made an awkward confession.

She was originally from a fairly well-off family and she had married into a similarly positioned family, so she had inherited a decent amount when her husband died. She had also been a young, beautiful, and talented widow, so there had naturally been much talk of remarriage.

She had been disgusted by the intensity of it all, left the family to her husband’s younger brother, and gone off to become a nun.

“Hmm. I see. That must have been tough.”

He pretended to sympathize, but he secretly felt it was a lifestyle he could never even imagine living.

“So what does this tool do?”

When he repeated his original question, the nun in black blushed while a veritable waterfall of sweat poured from her body. As the boy stared at the mature woman’s entire body, she held herself in her arms and finally made a quiet confession.

“It is a d-dildo…”

“It’s called a dildo? And what is it used for?”

The innocent boy continued rubbing the glossy black object in his hand. The widow subconsciously tensed her thighs. Velvet confessed the truth as her eyes grew damp behind her glasses, as if she had awoken to masochistic pleasure.

“I-it is a tool for women to pleasure themselves.”

“For women to pleasure themselves… Ah!?”

The boy finally realized what the object in his hands was for. It was shaped much like something he held on a daily basis.

“O-ohhh… I see…”

He held the thick rod in front of his eyes as if admiring it.

The adult woman he could see past it was hanging her blushing head and tightly squeezing her black skirt. Her behavior made him think he was doing something indecent, but he still asked an unnecessary question.

“V-V…Velvet, have you ever used this?”

“A-a little…”

Her white face had grown as red as a tomato as sweat poured down it, but she nodded.

Hilcruz found her embarrassment incredibly sexy, so he gulped and asked more.

“A little? So you have used it?”

“I’m not sure if it even counts…but just a little…bit…”

She must have known excuses would be pointless when he held the object in his hands, so she admitted it.

“Hmm… So you’ve used it.”

Even if she had cut herself off from her worldly life, she had failed to cut herself off from her body.

Hilcruz looked back and forth between the thick fake penis in his hand and the nun who was awkwardly hanging her head and meaninglessly stroking the hair held inside her hood.

Even through her black habit, she had noticeably large breasts and a mature female body.

Seeing that boldly intelligent woman looking so embarrassed seemed incredibly obscene.

The young nuns feared that woman like a demon, but she lowered her head after misunderstanding what the boy’s gaze meant.

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh, make no mistake. I wasn’t condemning you for it or anything. I have no right to do that. It’s just that you said sexual things are wrong and spanked Sigyn for having sex with me.”

The impertinent boy gave the nun in black a searching look.

“Yes. Our cathedral’s standard policy is to raise ladies with both intelligence and character.”

“Then isn’t it a problem that you’re hiding this in your room?”

Velvet hung her blushing head but shook her head.

“No. There is no doctrine or rule about this. But I have to keep up appearances, so…um, if possible, could you keep this a secret?”

“Yeah, I guess it would be awkward if it got out you have something like this.”


Pale-faced Velvet’s eyes wandered behind her glasses, she licked her thin lips, and she gulped again and again.

Hilcruz had thought she was a frightening woman, but now he felt a desire to tease her.

He toyed with the object in his hand and peered in the nun’s blue eyes.

“I don’t have a problem with you. If there wasn’t someone like you to make sure the rules were followed, any organization would lose all self-control.”

“Th-thank you…”

Velvet sighed quietly.

But it was too soon for the diligent nun to relax. The ambitious prince moved his face in meaningfully close.

“But. This is my first time seeing a magic dildo. And it’s so big too. I’m a little ashamed to say so, but mine isn’t this big.”

Hilcruz had never felt inferior concerning his penis size, but he did feel a little uncertain when he saw one a few sizes larger than his own.

“So. I’m curious whether something this big can really fit inside a woman. I-I’m not saying I’ll tell everyone if you don’t, but could you let me see you using it?”

Hilcruz gulped nervously as he pleaded with his face in close.



The lovely boy held up the almost brutally thick dildo as he asked his innocent question.

The widow with an ample and mature body was soaked with sweat and trembling. She shook her head and took a step back, but her back hit the door she herself had closed.

Cornered, she answered through her stiff throat.

“I-I can’t…”

“Why not? You’re always sticking it inside, aren’t you?”

“Not always. O-only occasionally…”

Embarrassed, Velvet stubbornly insisted that point. It made little difference whether she was always using it or only occasionally using it, but that small difference seemed to matter to her.

“Okay. If you occasionally use it, then show me how.”

He held the fake penis in front of her face and the Milka Cathedral’s capable manager fell onto her butt like a lady threatened by a blade.

(Wow, that’s sexy. She’s always so strict, but she’s actually really sexy.)

He found a strange charm in the teary eyes behind her silver-rimmed glasses. The gap from her normally arrogant personality made him want to tease her.

It was also possible he was in an aggressive mood after getting worked up by Ursula earlier.

“Ahh, I can’t put that in right away. U-um…I’m not wet…”

“Oh, that’s right. You have to get a girl’s pussy wet first. Well, that just means we’ve got to get you wet. So how do you usually get yourself wet, Velvet?”

“I pleasure myself a little…”

The tearful young woman breathed heavily through her thin, half-opened lips, her blush reached her neck, and she made her pitiful confession.

“What do you mean pleasure yourself?”

“I m-masturbate…”

It almost seemed to pain Velvet to speak that dirty word and she seemed about to pass out.

Her behavior was unbearably sexy. It filled Hilcruz with a sadistic feeling he had never felt before, so he pressed the strict lady further.

“Ohh, I get it. This is a tool for women to masturbate. Masturbation, huh? I’ve never seen a girl masturbate. Hey, Velvet, could you let me see you masturbate?”

Hilcruz’s eyes crawled across her body and she must have realized he was imagining her masturbating. Velvet squirmed as if he was physically caressing her, but she still stubbornly refused.

“Ahh… For the love of god, please spare me that…”

“Then maybe I’ll go and tell Priestess Euphoria you have this. Or maybe it would be better to tell Sigyn and the others.”

The boy had excellent negotiation skills and he lightly rubbed the fake penis against the beautiful woman’s tense cheek with a mischievous smile on his own face.

“Ah, ahh… O-okay. I’ll do it…”

The good-hearted nun of the Vermilion Bird Temple finally folded.

While Hilcruz sat on the bed, Velvet kneeled on the stone floor and licked her thin lips several times while her shoulders trembled. Her tension was infectious, so Hilcruz gulped too.

Then the nun in her thirties grabbed her breasts through her black habit.

Her breasts had obviously been large, but pressing the cloth against them revealed the extent of their size.

They were gigantic for her slender build. Those weighty-looking mounds of flesh were so incredibly soft that her fingers dug into them to an obscene extent.

(Wow. Sigyn’s and Gracen’s aren’t even close to this big.)

Unable to bear having his gaze on her body, Velvet trembled and warm breaths escaped her lips.


Those breaths were oddly sexual. They were lower pitch than the young maid apprentices or holy warrior that Hilcruz had heard before and that helped them reverberate through his body.

Before long, he could not stand just seeing her large jiggling breasts through her clothing.

(I want to see her tits…)

The boy’s unvoiced desire must have reached her because Velvet reached her behind her neck to undo the hook there.

She then removed her arms from the long sleeves while making sure he could not see her chest.

(Her tits. Velvet’s huge tits are jiggling.)

As the boy watched on with a blatant look of arousal on his face, the woman slowly and gradually removed her clothing as if performing a striptease. Finally, she removed the top of her nun’s habit.


Velvet was a slender woman with delicate shoulders and thin collarbones, but the breasts swelling out from those collarbones were large indeed.

They almost looked like watermelons and they were supported by a gorgeous bra decorated with plenty of black embroidery.

True to her noble past, she was fond of fine clothes.

There was no law forcing a nun to live with only the bare necessities. In fact, religious officials generally had an excellent eye for aesthetics. She likely wore beautiful panties as well.

“Eh heh heh…”

A bewitching smile appeared on the nun’s lips when she felt the boy staring at her chest.

She had likely forgotten her position as a nun, so her instincts as a woman were rising within her. She enjoyed filling a young male with lust.

Aware of the boy’s heated gaze on her, the widow reached behind her back and removed the bra.

Hilcruz thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head when those white and soft-looking breasts spilled out.

(Wow. Th-they’re huge!)

This was nothing like the young girls he had been fooling around with lately. The mature breasts of a real woman packed more of a punch.

(They’re half as big again as Priestess Euphoria’s.)

Those massive breasts could only be described as milk tanks and the nipples were large too. The red areolae looked like peony flowers and the nipples were plumply erect.

The flesh must have been a little too soft because the nipples sagged down a little, but that was obscene in its own way.

(Th-that’s so hot… Her tits are way too sexy.)

Hilcruz forgot to blink as he stared at those lewd breasts. It might not have been enough to burn a hole in them, but he thought the intensity of his gaze might at least move those soft mounds.

“Ahh, don’t stare like that…”

Even as shame filled her body, Velvet began pinching the large nipples decorating the tips of her giant breasts. She was clearly putting on a show for the boy.

The large nipples swelled out even further.

“Ahh~ Ahh~ Ahhhn~~~ Ahhh, no~ When you’re watching… Prince, when you’re watching…ah…it feels so good…”

Her personality seemed to have made a complete 180. That strict nun was pinching, pulling, and kneading her nipples while giving off an aura of sexuality that would make a prostitute blush.

(Slutty. This is what they call being slutty…)

The boy was overwhelmed by her extreme transformation and Velvet must have felt an urge to put on even more of a show. She suddenly lifted her right breast as if scooping it up from below.

Then she lowered her intelligent, bespectacled face.

(!? She’s licking her own tits!?)

Hilcruz had fooled around with the cathedral’s young nuns, but he now learned his knowledge of women was extremely lacking.

Velvet gave him a flirtatious glance from the blue eyes behind her glasses as she stuck her damp red tongue out from between her scarlet lips and licked around her areola.

Hilcruz fell into horny speechlessness as he watched the woman’s dancing tongue. He eventually spoke up in a weak daze.

“V-Velvet… Th-that’s really hot…”

“Ahh, I’m supposed to be a nun, yet I have such a slutty body. Ahh, no. When you’re watching…when you’re watching, I feel even hornier. Ahh, why is my body so slutty…?”

Velvet confessed her sins, but she also realized the boy was thoroughly charmed by her body. A narcissistic smile appeared on her lips as she sucked each nipple in turn.

Hilcruz gulped at this woman’s secret sexuality.

He realized now that Sigyn and Gracen were nothing more than inexperienced little girls. This here was a real woman.

As the woman lost herself in masturbation, Hilcruz followed a mischievous urge and pressed the fake penis against her giant breasts.

“Ah, wha- ohhhhh!?”

The magic dildo nearly bounced back, but he pushed harder so it pressed into the soft flesh.

He was not aware of it, but his actions were being guided by the mature woman’s aura of sexuality.

How could he not tease such a sexual body?

“Your tits are too lewd. Lewd tits like this need to be punished!”

Filled with a sadistic arousal, Hilcruz pressed the vibrating fake penis all over her soft breasts.


Velvet cried out but did not try to escape as the vibrating fake penis teased her large nipples.

Hilcruz toyed with those sexual breasts all he wanted. He asked a question while he teased the nipples which were quite hard compared to the extreme softness of the rest.

“Is your slutty body about ready for this?”

“Y-yes… I want it…”

That strict nun nodded with a seductive smile.

“Then I’ll put it in for you.”

He lowered the magic dildo, thought better of it, and raised it again.

“Bur first, you need to get this wet too. Here, suck it.”

When he held the fake penis to her mouth, the lewd nun obediently parted her lips and took it into her drool-filled mouth.


Her red lips swallowed the black dildo and her tongue wrapped around it inside her mouth.

She had likely sucked it countless times when using it on her own. She readily and happily took it into her mouth and coated it with saliva.

More than just using her tongue, she moved her head forward and back while letting it push out first one cheek then the other from within.

(I-it’s like she’s really giving a blowjob.)

No matter how impressively she sucked the fake penis, it would bring him no pleasure. Yet as he watched her obscene oral technique, he thought he felt a tingling as if she were sucking his manhood. He then pulled back the fake penis.

“G-good job. Th-that’s enough. …You’ll be swallowing it with your lower mouth this time, so lift your skirt.”

“Pant, pant…yes. Thank you very much…”

The kneeling nun lifted her skirt with a melted look on her face.

Her thighs were covered by black stockings, a garter belt, and black panties. They were all embroidered and of high quality.

“Hurry up and pull down those black panties!”

“Oka~y Eh heh heh heh…”

The slutty nun held the bottom of her black dress in her mouth and used both hands to lower the black panties. A sticky thread followed the panties down and they had to stop halfway down her thighs due to her pose.

Her pubic hair was the same pale blonde as her head, but it was quite thick.

(She has such an intellectual face, but she’s so bushy downstairs… It’s so raw)

Hilcruz gulped in front of the mons pubis covered in that hair and he gave further instructions.

“I can’t get it in like that! Lie on your back and turn your p-pussy this way!”

The nun nodded with the bottom of the black dress in her mouth and she lay back from her kneeling position.

It was a difficult action with a woman’s body, but she somehow managed it. The part of her body she would most want to hide was fully exposed to Hilcruz.

The boy could not help but lean forward to observe it.

“Velvet! Your pussy is so wet. It’s absolutely soaked. And all you did was mess with your tits. You really do have a slutty body! That’s so dirty!”

“Ahh, please forgive me. Please don’t humiliate me like that…”

Despite her words, Velvet’s entire body seemed to be insisting he humiliate her further.

(If her body is this hot, her pussy has to be even hotter.)

Unable to restrain his arousal and curiosity, Hilcruz parted the soaked hair and placed his left hand’s index and middle fingers on either side of the half-opened flesh slit.

Then he spread it.


The woman’s cry of embarrassment was accompanied by a mist of sweet and sour femininity reaching the boy’s nose.

The cathedral’s strictest nun’s pussy lips were like a ripe pomegranate. They were an incredible dark red and covered with plenty of white juice. After Hilcruz spread the flower petals, the fluid dripped down and soaked her anus too.

“Wow, I’ve never seen a pussy covered in so much white and frothy love juices…”

Velvet bit the bottom of her skirt to endure the boy’s honest opinion.

Her masochistic beauty inspired even more sadistic desires in Hilcruz, so he continued the verbal assault.

“When it’s this wet, I can’t tell where the vagina is. Sorry if I get it wrong.”


Velvet’s face was tomato-red and she embarrassedly shook her head back and forth.

However, Hilcruz actually could see her vagina opening wide. He could also see her giant clitoris that was poking out of its hood even though neither of them had touched it yet. The urethra, though, he could not see.

(Velvet’s gotten really cute. Sigyn and the others would be in for a shock if they learned their teacher was this horny a woman.)

He mentally licked his lips and held up the vibrating fake penis. He brought it to her soaked pussy lips.


The tip of the fake penis touched her exposed clitoris. As it poked at her giant weak point, she let go of the skirt in her mouth and screamed.

It then parted the lips and pressed against her vaginal entrance.

The mechanical magic tool’s vibration stirred up her entrance and the spray of love juices reached Hilcruz’s face.

“Eh heh heh. I think it’s time I saw this giant thing fit inside your pussy. Are you sure it won’t tear you apart?”

The boy had fully awoken to his sadistic side as he pushed in the fake penis that was two sizes bigger than his own penis.


The tip was a size bigger than the already thick rod, but it slipped right it. From there, he shoved the rest in.

“Ahh, ahhhh, ahgahhhhhhhhh!!!”

The nun in black arched her back, widened her eyes behind her glasses, and sprayed bubbly drool from her mouth.

She seemed to have cum just from having the fake penis penetrate her. Her mature body seemed to be convulsing.

Hilcruz held her body down and forced the fake penis in as far as it would go.

It really must have been too big because her flesh pot squeezed tightly against it and it was not easy to get in.

“Hee hee ahhhhhh!!”

He had planned to stop if Velvet said it hurt, but she only widened her eyes and cried out. She never actually told him to stop.

A shower of love juices reached his face, but even that sensation aroused him as he lost himself in pushing the dildo on in.

(It just keeps going in. I didn’t know something so big could fit in a pussy.)

It felt like pushing into a bottomless bog, but once only a third of the giant object remained exposed, he found the limit. The tip seemed to have reached her cervix. No matter how hard he tried, no more of it would go in.


He let go, but the magic tool continued to torment the woman, just as it was designed to.

“Hyah! Hee! Ahn! Hyahn…”

Velvet’s hips rose and fell like an inchworm.

And that was not all. She groped her own giant breasts and kneaded her clitoris between her fingers.

(She wasn’t kidding about being slutty…)

She had seemed like the perfect example of a diligent and strict nun, but now she was exposing her breasts and vulva. She was shamefully spreading her legs, twitching, and masturbating with a dildo inside her. She still wore the hood that revealed her position as a nun and that made it all the more obscene.

(I-I can’t stand it anymore…)

Hilcruz pulled his madly erect penis from his pants and began stroking it.

He intended to ejaculate and cover the shameful woman with his cum.

“Oh, prince, don’t do that. It would be such a waste!”

Velvet took issue with the boy pleasuring himself to her sexual show, so she quickly got up.

The vibrating rod remained inside her, so her hips seemed weak. She crawled over to Hilcruz and stole the penis from his hand.

“W-wait, Velvet.”

She responded to his confusion with a sulky look.

“I want the real thing too…”

She placed both hands around the penis that curved back almost to his stomach and she stared fondly at it.

“Ohh, such a warm cock. It’s so lovely and manly…”

As she carefully observed the penis with a dreamy look in her eyes, she opened her mouth wide and gave it a lick as if it were a sweet piece of candy.


Hilcruz realized something from just that one lick.

This was not his first blowjob. Sigyn, Gracen, and the other young nun trainees had been eager to suck his dick.

But this was fundamentally different from the oral sex he had received from those girls.

It was just like learning the skill of an opponent after a single swordfight. And this woman managed to show him with the one lick that she was not just a little girl.

Her saliva-covered tongue used the rougher edge to thoroughly lick along the bottom of the head. She also traced her tongue along the tip and stuck her tongue tip into the urethra. Meanwhile, her hands gently stroked the shaft and fondled the balls.

“Eh heh… Eh heh heh heh…”

Velvet laughed because she truly did enjoy licking and sucking his manhood.


Faced with the oral technique of a woman with a thorough understanding of a man’s erogenous zones, Hilcruz was ashamed of how quickly he was brought to the edge of cumming.


But he did not cum. Just before he did, Velvet shifted her timing.

She looked up at him with a smile in the eyes behind her glasses. That bewitching smile told Hilcruz something: this woman knew how to pleasure a man without making him cum.

“Eh heh heh. How about this?”

With a sweet smile, Velvet lifted her own giant breasts in her hands and placed them around his flesh rod.


They were warm and soft. And yet they were also springy. It was an overwhelmingly fleshy sensation.

(Her tits are surrounding my dick!)

Hilcruz was unfamiliar with the concept of a titjob.

The young nuns and holy warrior he always fooled around with were girls whose first time had been with him. They were brimming with curiosity about sex, but their technique was still undeveloped.

(The surface is so soft and cool, but they keep getting warmer. And they’re so smooth.)

As he grew intoxicated on the sensation of soft feminine flesh, Velvet gave him an upturned glance and let clear saliva drip down from her mouth onto the head of his penis. Then she used that as the lubricant for a penis massage.

(Wow. I-it’s melting… My dick is melting…)

In addition to the soft sensation reaching his flesh rod, the visual of the white breasts enveloping his penis aroused Hilcruz.

After being brought to the brink earlier, he reached that point again before long.

“Ahhhhh… Velvet…I’m about to cum…”

The veteran nun answered the boy’s desperate groan with a bewitching smile and wrapped her lips around the head of his penis as it poked out from between her breasts.

She was wordlessly telling him to cum inside her mouth.

“Ahh… Velvet, I’m cumming…”

He had never before experienced technique this superb and it brought him straight to heaven.

He released the lust that had been building up as he watched Velvet’s sexual show.

The fluid was thick and plentiful. The thick cum erupted pleasantly out, but it was unlike the feeling he was used to enjoying.

With an obscene smile on her face, Velvet sucked at the tip of the throbbing flesh rod.

“You’re kidding! Ahhhhhhhhh…”

Caught off guard, Hilcruz gave an anguished cry.


He had never experienced an ejaculation like this. It felt like his urethra was a straw and she was sucking the semen directly from his testicles.

(Uuh, Velvet… If you do that…)

More than just a single ejaculation’s worth was sucked out. It felt like every last drop was drained from his balls. He almost felt like his soul was being sucked out.

“Nn, nn, nn…”

Velvet breathed from her nose as she slurped up the extract of a young boy and gulped it down like a tasty treat. She forced every last drop from his urethra.


Once the unprecedentedly intense ejaculation ended, Hilcruz breathed an intoxicated sigh.

(I’ve never felt anything so amazing…)

The boy was very satisfied, but the horny woman was not going to let him stop here.

As his penis shrank, she placed the entire thing in her mouth and worked at it inside there.

“W-wait… Velvet, ahhhh…”

He honestly did not want her to touch his penis so soon after cumming, but as the woman forcibly sucked at it, the seductive mood returned.

She did not even allow his penis to shrink.

When she let it leave her mouth, it was just as hard and erect as before he came. After one final lick of the tip, she looked up at him.


Her sensual smile sent a chill down his spine.

Wasn’t this what they called a true “slut”?

The nun’s cheeks reddened and she breathed an intoxicated sigh as she stared longingly at the penis in front of her.

“Oh, prince, will you please give me your love?”

Hilcruz felt the last remaining thread of rationality snap in his mind.

He reached toward the woman kneeling in front of him, pulled her up onto the bed, and laid her on her back.

He then spread her legs wide and pulled out the thick vibrator penetrating her.


A scream left Velvet’s lips and a great quantity of love juices left her honeypot.

She was so wet she seemed to have pissed herself. She had to have reached climax several times herself while sucking his manhood.

He tossed aside the fake penis that continued to vibrate so obscenely and he instead prepared his raging erection. Then he shoved it inside.

The inside of her honeypot felt like hot magma. The countless folds wrapped around his manhood as if to suck at it.

“Ahhhh, yes! Amazing! Yes!”

Velvet’s powerful legs wrapped around Hilcruz’s waist.

Her honeypot could take in that ridiculously large dildo, so it was far looser than that of the young girls like Sigyn or Gracen.

But it also told him that tightness was not everything.

(It isn’t tight. It isn’t, but it’s wrapping around my dick so incredibly softly…)

He desperately forced down the urge to cum again and teased the shameful woman.

“You say it’s amazing, but my dick has got to be a letdown after that giant vibrator you love so much.”

“Ahhhn, don’t be so mean. I-it isn’t an issue of size. Yours is so hot, it’s throbbing, and it’s so much more powerful! Ahh, harder, harder!”

Velvet wrapped her arms around his back and thrust her own hips up at him.

On the receiving end of that intense movement, Hilcruz felt like he had fallen into an inescapable antlion pit.

“Harder, harder! Turn me into a whore! Turn me into nothing more than a dirty whore!”

“Okay! Here goes!”

Even while at the mercy of the starving woman’s wild hips, the young boy moved his own hips as if dancing.

On the way in, nectar flowed out. On the way out, more nectar flowed out.

“Ahh, yes. I can feel it in my womb. More! More! More!”

That intellectual beauty was spilling drool as she used her hips with incredible force to get the boy to use his own hips.

The boy was at the peak of his sexual desire, but he was overwhelmed by the starving mature woman’s wild hips.

Hilcruz was too proud to admit it, but he could tell she was in complete control here.

But he wanted to conquer Velvet. He wanted to conquer her with his penis rather than the dildo.


He obeyed his lust just as much as the woman did hers as he pounded his penis inside her, but his manhood let out a cry even though he had already cum once.

“V-Velvet, I can’t last much longer if you’re that rough!”

“No. It has to be rough. Stir me up even more~~~

As she thrust her hips up at him like some kind of demon, his manhood danced within her hot honeypot.

(It isn’t that tight. Looking just at how tight their pussy is, Sigyn and Gracen have the upper hand. But I think Velvet’s might feel even better. It’s so hot and sticky. It’s like sticking my dick in melted cheese.)

Her love juices were hot, plentiful, and quite sticky. They had soaked her anus and even left a wet mark on the sheets.

His penis and even balls were absolutely soaked.

Her flooded honeypot covered every inch of his manhood and seemed to be digesting it. The intense situation was so pleasurable it brought tears to his eyes.

“I’m sorry. I can’t last any longerrrrrr!!!”

With one last warning, a hot liquid erupted from his penis.


His man juices filled the depths of her vagina. Velvet raised a joyful cry and arched her back at this long-forgotten womanly pleasure.

Hilcruz pumped all of his cum into the starving widow nun.

And after releasing the very last drop, he sank into her ample breasts.

“Pant, pant, pant… Velvet, that was amazing. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“Eh heh heh. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

The nun known for being strict gave a bewitching smile and then sat up with sexual sweat coating her body.

“Now, then. Prince, you are young, so surely you aren’t done yet.”

Velvet made sure not to break their sexual union as she sat up, placed Hilcruz on his back, and straddled his hips. She even spread her legs and placed her feet on either side of him in a crouching pose. This was more than just the cowgirl position. She intended to milk him dry with her hips.

Their union was fully exposed to him. A mixture of their juices flowed from her honeypot and warmly soaked his shaft, balls, and anus.

That was when Hilcruz felt a chill, as if he had been captured by a female spider.


He was arrogant, he was ambitious, and the Ishtar Kingdom was hunting him down as too dangerous to let escape. The current rulers of Ishtar would never have believed their eyes if they had seen this: there was fear on Hilcruz’s face.

With a bewitching smile on her face, the veteran nun grabbed the young prince’s hands and placed them on her giant breasts.

“Giving a cat a fish-flavored treat is like giving a widow a young man. Do you know why?”


Velvet smiled as Hilcruz fearfully shook his head.

“They cannot help but suck it dry.”

The woman immediately began moving her hips like a demon.


Hilcruz shrieked. He realized from the bottom of his heart that he had chosen the wrong woman to have sex with.