Saturday, September 26, 2015

Adolescent Adam: Afterword

Hello. If you gathered all the money I’ve ever spent on the crane game, you’d probably have enough to buy a car. This is Sakakikasa.

As the second release from Atomic Bunko, how did you like Adolescent Adam? I’m guessing this ranks toward the herbivorous end on the spectrum of photosynthetic men.

While creating a story based on a dream probably 99% of guys have had, I mixed in a little of this and that. Did it come out well? There will be a sequel if it’s popular enough, so I hope you’ll show your support. Will there be sex scenes with Lucia? …Grin.

Finally, some thanks. To the illustrator, Amagai Yukino-sama, thank you very much for the cute illustrations. I thought they looked pretty enough when I saw the roughs, but I didn’t expect them to be so full of life when the color was added.

Now, until we meet again.


  1. Lucia sounds like a girl's name to me

  2. Thanks for the chapters and the volume of this series (assuming there is another one). Are there more? It was quite good.

    Although I would have to just skip a sex scene with Lucia. Just...nope.

    Unless he used some demon magic to change into a girl first or something. That would be totes fine.

  3. this was very good id love to see a continuation please give me more(pant...pant)
