Thursday, December 30, 2021

Milk Idol: Epilogue

“Calm down, everyone. We can do that later.”

When god closes a door, he opens a window. That old saying proved to be true in this instance.

The false rumors had drastically reduced the job offers coming to the Holstein Girls.

But Kurumi, Aika, Amiko, Tooru, and the other employees worked hard to turn that crisis into a new opportunity.

The office workers had gone around from morning to night bowing down to different business contacts until their shoes were worn out.

The idols focused on the contact with fans they had previously been too busy for, they continued holding periodic concerts with their new extra-lewd performance, and they polished their skills with even more voice and dance lessons than before. The popularity of the concerts and fan greetings had grown so much that the ratings-obsessed TV stations couldn’t resist bringing them back.

Lately, they had even expanded their activities to include singing the theme song for an anime about a girl who transformed into a magical girl by drinking milk.

But one thing had not changed.

“Hurry up, Tooru-kun.”

“What is taking you so long? We are running out of time!”

“Sorry, but I really need it now.”

They were gathered in the event venue’s dressing room with their performance due to begin shortly, but the idols had pulled their tits out of their tops and were squeezing them together to beg him to milk them.

“We don’t have much time, so just wait until after the event.”

They continued to lactate as before and Tooru continued to milk them whenever they needed it. And if they had time, they would also have sex.

They were officially three idols and their manager, but behind the scenes, they behaved like boyfriend and girlfriend.

“You didn’t milk me this morning, so I can’t wait that long!” insisted Aika.

“That’s because you overslept,” pointed out Kurumi.

“And you spent all night with him, so it’s our turn now,” added Amiko.

Tooru could not resist while surrounded by those impressive boobs, so he started sucking at the milk tanks directly in front of him.

His days of milking these cute idols were far from over.