Saturday, January 11, 2020

A Queen Disgraced: Chapter 3 - Dignity of a Queen

“Can’t someone give me a plan?”

After receiving word of their deployed troops’ defeat, Orsini Queen Malicia immediately arranged a meeting with her top officials and spoke to them with her delicate features gone pale.

25,000 Orsini troops had fought 19,000 Sabrina troops. They should not have lost, but it had ended in failure and they had lost General Cayfen, Commander Chandler, and more than 10,000 soldiers.

The Sabrina army had withdrawn its troops, but everyone knew they would make another major offensive in the near future. Even a newcomer to warfare like Malicia could predict that and she could find no reason to suspect otherwise.

If they lost their next battle so decisively, Orsini would fall and be conquered by Sabrina.

She looked out across her top officials. She lacked the life experience to read the thoughts hidden behind each of those dignified and expressionless faces.

She felt so alone in front of the officials she had inherited from her father.

When the silence became too painful to bear, it was Prime Minister Bonnet who spoke. He may have felt it was his duty as the oldest one there.

He had turned 60 this year. He came from a noble family, he had experience as a military commander, a diplomat, and as an administrative official, he was known for his intelligence, and he held an unshakable position within the kingdom.

The general public believed it was his skill that would give someone as young as Malicia what she needed to run the kingdom in this age of war.

Even for a veteran politician like him, loosing Cayfen, a friend of half a century, must have come as a shock. He looked as if he had aged a decade overnight.

“I know this will be hard to hear, but I think our best option is to actively seek peace.”

That passive plan brought a cloud of confusion to Malicia’s beautiful face. She had taken the throne less than a month ago and Orsini was already on the verge of becoming a vassal state?

A voice roared in intense opposition.

“Bonnet, you deserve to be executed for that treasonous suggestion!”

Malicia swallowed what she had been about to say and looked over to see Demulgast rising from his seat. He was the most warriorlike member of the Orsini army, so his intense gaze pierced the officials gathered there and he passionately argued his case.

“If we sit here and hand over the land of our forefathers, we will be laughingstocks until the end of time. Fortunately, we have the natural defenses of Jeol Pass. We must stage a defensive there.”
“But when we sent you out with a large force before, you returned defeated. Losing some instead of losing all is how the game of politics is played.”
Demulgast and Bonnet glared at each other. With a sidelong glance at the two of them, Raymon opened the mouth below his pretentious light-brown moustache.

“How about we join with Melishant in the fight against Sabrina?”
“Is that an option?”

Malicia showed interested in that idea.

“It would depend in how we broached the subject with them.”

“Money, you mean?”

“And a portion of our land. If we did that, then you could escape to Melishant if the worst were to happen, Your Majesty. We must do what must be done. Let us arrange an alliance with Melishant and resist Sabrina together.”

“They would simply take us for everything we are worth,” casually cut in Darcenis while tracing a finger along the scar from his right cheek to chin. “First of all, no soldier will put up a serious fight for another kingdom. It would only confuse matters and solve nothing.” He pounded his hands on the table and stood up. “We must protect our kingdom ourselves.”

“Agreed!” exclaimed Demulgast as if to claim the idea as his own.

“You are correct. I was being silly.”

Raymon admitted to his mistake. The meeting settled on fighting back as their overall plan, which relieved Malicia. But that led to a different problem.

“Now, if we are to fight, who should lead the army?”
That question came from General Meldis. Who could they place in command that could stand up to Sabrina Queen Vishnu? And with a smaller army than last time?


A name did come to mind for Malicia, but she could not speak it aloud. And the awkward silence that followed seemed to prove that everyone else there had the exact same name in mind.

“One desperate measure does occur to me,” said Court Magician Ralmesel. She had soiled herself during the Battle of Sarielal, but you would never imagine it from the mystical and transcendent presence she gave herself.

Malicia turned a desperate look to her older friend.

“I suggest we give the position to Selune, Former Lord of Adrian Castle.”

“Agreed,” chimed in General Meldis without a moment’s delay.

Malicia could not hide the look of surprise on her face. When she had suggested this same idea before, Ralmesel was the one who had vehemently opposed it. Had the woman decided it was necessary now that their kingdom’s future was at risk?

In a way, Selune was a legendary strategist in Orsini, but upon hearing his name, Demulgast groaned, Raymon shrugged with his palms turned upward, and Darcenis clicked his tongue. This was no small challenge for their patience. Claus viewed everyone’s reactions to see how they viewed his brother and Malicia fell into thought with a conflicted look on her face.

“I oppose the idea. We would be fools to leave the fate of our kingdom in the hands of a man like that.”
Prime Minister Bonnet grew red in the face and revealed his opposition.

He was willing to accept the general opinion toward fighting back, but he immediately protested the idea of placing Selune in charge.

He saw Selune as a hindrance to public morals, but his true dislike of the man came from a more personal place.

His eldest daughter had returned home at a young age because her husband had unfortunately died of illness and she had gotten to know Selune very well as a widow. That would have been bad enough, but Selune had also taken the virginity of Bonnet’s beloved granddaughter.

He had utterly adored his first grandchild, but he had felt like Selune had defiled her. He had wanted to have the man torn limb from limb and thrown into a fire so his ashes could be fed to the birds.

Worse, even though Selune had treated Bonnet’s daughter and granddaughter as just one of his many paramours, they both still loved the man.

He felt they were being foolish to the extreme, but even his position as head of the family left him powerless to change how they felt, which only infuriated him all the more.

In the end, three had voted in approval of the Selune plan: Ralmesel, Meldis, and Claus. One had voted against it: Bonnet. And three had opted not to vote: Raymon, Demulgast, and Darcenis. Malicia’s duty was to invite Selune to the capital and convince him to lead the Orsini army. However, Selune did not agree with the plan.

“I am no more than some young man. Orsini’s royal palace is full of veteran commanders, so why give such authority to someone who has already withdrawn from a public life?”

He refused the invitation, saying he had no intention of returning, but even he still had some ties to his old life. His brother Claus had tearfully convinced him this was an emergency for their house, his lover Meldis had used their pillow talk to convince him, and his head maid Risaya had simply kicked him in the rear. In the end, he had made an unofficial trip to the royal capital of Eleonora and held a confidential meeting with Malicia.

He looked glum as a lady-in-waiting led him to the meeting room where Malicia waited. He had said he would refuse on the spot if he was not satisfied with the terms she provided, but a request from the queen was more or less an order. If he refused again, he could be cut down on the spot.

After turning a few corners along a luxurious corridor overlooking a beautiful garden, the lady-in-waiting bowed and stepped back to reveal what had to be Malicia’s personal living space. It looked like a tidy detached palace. A young, slim woman stood at the entrance. The queen had gone to the trouble of stepping out to greet him.

“I am honored to gaze upon your lovely visage once more.”

He got down on one knee and bowed.

“Thank you for coming. Please come in.”

She sadly sensed a cold rejection in his polite behavior and quickly had him stand back up.

There was obvious impatience on her face, but she had not lost the beauty supported by her innate elegance. She wanted to support her collapsing kingdom on her own shoulders, but she despaired at how powerless she felt. That valiant side of her tickled at a man’s protective instincts.

She led him into a sunny and old-fashioned yet comfortable-looking reception room. All of the furniture was luxurious as could be. Malicia did not try to live a life of luxury, but this was the standard she had been accustomed to since her birth.

However, it was obvious she was trying to be as hospitable as she could. After having Selune take a seat on the sofa, she made some tea and served it to him.

She nervously watched as he leisurely sipped at the tea, gulped at how tense she felt, and got straight to the point.

“I am ashamed it has come to this, but, Selune, I would like for you to command the Orsini army.”

He did not visibly react to her plea in any way.

It was a cold rejection, but she did not back down. If she failed in a negotiation held personally by her, it would damage her authority as queen. Plus, his rude behavior was pissing her off

“Selune, you too are supported by the Orsini Kingdom, are you not?”
She argued her case with eyes flaring.

He was something of a hermit, but that lifestyle was supported by funds paid by Claus, Lord of Adrian Castle. Claus was a courtier of Orsini, so she was not wrong about this.

Selune finally spoke.

“Placing me in command does not guarantee you victory.”

“That is fine. Well, no, it isn’t. We need you to win. But I want to do everything we can even if it is ultimately not enough. I am prepared to surrender if you lose. It breaks my heart to think we might not be facing this desperate situation in the first place had I not let what happened last time get to me and had placed you in command.”

She tried to downplay it, but he had raped her. It was simply not possible for it not to have “gotten to her”. Her anger had been justified and all the blame lay at Selune’s feet.

“You are overestimating me if you think you could have won at Sarielal if I had been there. It was the inhuman speed provided by the Sabrina army’s mobility that settled that battle. That was not something anyone could have predicted.”

He sighed when he saw her looking so close to tears.

“I am sure you know there are people in your own hometown of Eleonora who wish to place Raymon on the throne as king. The people want a ruler who will wield a sword and command an army to protect the kingdom. The rulers of the kingdoms around Orsini are all fighting on the battlefield themselves. Domos’s Lorent, Exstar’s Hauble, and Sabrina’s Vishnu are all risking their lives and fighting alongside their troops. You, on the other hand, remain in this safe palace where no arrows or magic can find you while you leave the fighting to your retainers. That is no way to earn the adoration of the troops or the people.”
He spoke calmly, but his words were a powerful blow to Malicia.

“You…you may be right. I am a useless woman who cannot wield a weapon or cast magic. I never even considered going into battle myself. Understood. I will join them on the battlefield. But I know nothing of combat, so I will need an assistant. Selune, could you play that role?”

He answered her passion with iciness.

“I value my life over my reputation, so I have no desire to earn people’s pity by going down in history as a valiant warrior who loyally served a doomed kingdom. I prefer rewards that come during my lifetime. I want to eat tasty food, drink fine wines, sleep with beautiful women, read fascinating books, and observe the world as time passes.”


She fell silent in confusion. Her position as a royal was everything to her, so she had never before considered seeking happiness as an individual.

“Does that life not appeal to you, Your Majesty? But people who lay down their life for a doomed kingdom are few and far between, hence why they are so highly praised. Most people out there see things my way. Those people will gather in a kingdom that looks like it can give them that life, and a kingdom in which people gather is a powerful kingdom.”

Selune set his empty teacup on the table as he casually continued speaking. Malicia listened intently to make sure she did not miss a word.

“It is said a king or queen is free to do what they want, but don’t you believe it. During a time of war, people will wander in search of a greater ruler. How do you expect to sustain an entire kingdom when you cannot even convince me? Isn’t it about time you surrendered to Sabrina’s queen and begged her for mercy?”

“I want to protect Orsini and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to do so. Currently, we have no greater strategist than you, so I think gaining your assistance is the best shot at survival that Orsini has.”

“Again, you overestimate me. But how do you intend to convince someone as lazy me to do take on such a major job?”

She shut her eyes for a bit, took a deep breath, and spoke with renewed resolve.

“Please sleep with me. I will offer you my chastity if it will save Orsini.”

This was apparently the trump card she had prepared to convince him.

He stared in faint surprise before giving her a cynically bitter smile and replying with no apparent interest.

“Sorry, but I have more than my fair share of women. Plus, I’m not all that interested in sleeping with a woman a second time.”


She was dumbfounded. Offering this had felt like throwing herself into a vast ravine, but he had casually rejected it.

“What? Have you given up already? You want to drive me to action with your womanly charms, don’t you? Then you might want to put some effort into it.”

She stared in confusion as he cheerfully made that suggestion.

“What are you asking me to do?”

“Take off your clothes.”

She briefly frowned, but she erased that from her face, stood up, and began remove her clothing.


Selune had maintained a poker face thus far, but he leaned forward and sighed when he saw her in her underwear.

She had predicted this would probably happen, so she was wearing a modern beige silk camisole.

It used a lot of lace, it was open enough in the front to show off half her chest, it was formfitting enough to reveal the curves of her waist, and the bottom was short enough to show off nearly up to the base of her thighs. It provided a teasing sexuality by almost but not quite showing off her breasts from above and her panties from below.

This had likely been suggested to her by an older friend, such as Court Magician Ralmesel, and its provocative sexuality tickled at the male heart.

This kind of sexy underwear would be attractive enough on a normal woman, so Selune could not hide his interest when such a beautiful woman wore it.

She must have been prepared to make any personal sacrifice to save her kingdom. Her own pride was a small price to pay for the future of her kingdom. As a ruler, she put her kingdom’s benefit first and was prepared to shut her eyes to any personal tragedy. That was exactly what made her look so proud and dignified.

(I see. So she’s using her position as queen as a justification. What a wonderful way of excusing her behavior to herself. She can sleep with a man like me while fully convinced this is her tragic duty.)

If she was willing to do anything asked of her here, he decided it would be a shame not to see how far she would go.

“Please close the curtains.”

She placed her trembling hands on the shoulder straps in preparation to remove the camisole. She was so bashful her limbs were trembling uncontrollably and she crouched down while making that request, but he ignored it and instead coldly made a new demand while hiding how shaken he was on the inside.

“S-start masturbating like that.”


“What? Don’t expect me to believe you haven’t masturbated at all over the past month. Women can live without pleasure while ignorant of it, but once they get a taste, the craving grows irresistible.”

The cracks in her expression and behavior told him she had indeed picked up a habit of pleasuring herself.

She had remained a pure maiden right up until the day he had raped her and shown her the pleasures of her body. She had never been aware of any lust within her, she had never masturbated, and she had never wanted to. Thus, she had never thought about wanting a man. But a change had come over her body afterwards.

At first, she had spent her nights weeping into her pillow about how he had treated her, but as time passed, another feeling had risen within her.

She had felt a desire to be penetrated by something as thick as his cock.

Sexual desire had been awoken within her body.

She had felt ashamed every single time, but in order to soothe the throbbing in her body, she had recalled how he had touched her and brought her own fingers to her chest and crotch.

“Now, show me.”

“Eh!? I-I couldn’t possibly do that.”

“You said you would do anything, didn’t you? Then show me how a queen like you usually masturbates.”

They glared at each other for a moment, but she finally hung her head. Her smooth white skin grew flushed, she reached her left hand to her breast over her camisole, and she slowly massaged it while her other hand moved up below the camisole and began tracing along her labia through her panties.

Without warning, he grabbed her thighs and spread them wide. That revealed panties of the same material as the camisole.

“Ah, ahh…how could you?”
Tears glittered in her angular eyes as she was forced to masturbate in a pose similar to a dog standing up to “shake”.

When she had known she would be meeting Selune alone, she had known he would sleep with her again and she had almost looked forward to experiencing that sweet pleasure once more, but she had never imagined he would force her to do something so humiliating.

Yet her body betrayed her. The more she clenched her teeth in embarrassment, the greater the pleasure grew, the more heated the breaths were as they left her lips, the more love juices flowed, and the wetter the bottom of her beige panties grew.

It was enough to convince Selune she was a masochist.

Her face grew brightly flushed as she used her hands to pleasure herself. At some point, the left shoulder strap had slid down, the left side of her camisole had slipped away, and the shapely breast had come into view. The pale pink nipple was extremely hard and erect.

It was such an arousing sight.


She looked up at him with damp eyes.

“I cannot refuse you after seeing you go this far. I am not as talented as you believe, but I will do everything I can to live up to your expectations.”

Confusion briefly clouded her face but then it lit up.

“And I have another, more personal request.”

He stood in front of her and stuck a giant meatstick in front of her face.


Her long eyelashes slowly rose and she stared at the male member curving up before her eyes. Her amber eyes were damp indeed.

She could feel her body reacting because it knew what that thing could do.

The size and angle of his erection grew as she stared at it.

“Oh, i-it’s so big. Scarily big.”

“There is nothing to be afraid of. This naughty boy is indeed the one that entered you and took your virginity, but it only hurts the first time. I assure you that you will adore it before long.”

Her cheeks twitched nervously, but she could not take her eyes off of the curved erection. She stared intently at it with damp eyes.

“Hm, looks like you may already adore it.”

He grabbed his dick and slapped one of her cheeks with it, then the other.


She wrinkled her brow in protest, but she did not look away and let him do it.

“Now, enough staring. Give it a kiss of true love.”

“You want me to kiss it…kiss this.”

Her voice sounded scratchy and she hesitantly leaned in and brought her thin, lipsticked lips in close.

Her soft lips touched the head.

“I-is that good enough?”
After kissing it, she looked worriedly up at him.

That seductive look sent a tingle through his lower body.

“Next, stick out your tongue and lick it. Lick all over it.”


She obediently nodded, parted her lips, and stuck out her pink tongue.

When she licked up along the head, it jumped up and away from her. Her tongue chased after it. She occasionally bumped her nose or cheek into it as she did her best to follow it with her tongue. He smiled bitterly at how much she looked like a cat playing with a catnip toy, but he kept watching for a while because it was so cute.

“You can hold it in your hand while sucking it.”

She looked up blankly at his advice, so he took her hand and forcibly placed it around his erection.

“Oh, it’s warm.”

This was her first time holding a penis, so she lightly squeezed to get a feel for the thick shaft. Then she opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue for a look far obscener than anyone would have expected from her. She licked at the tip and then all around the head.

“Yes, keep licking over the entire thing like that.”

She was down on her knees with her face buried in the crotch of the man standing in front of her.

That succinctly stated the current power balance between them.

Even if it was for her kingdom, could a queen really let herself go this far?

It was humiliating. She felt tears running down her cheeks. But women were complicated and she also felt a masochistic pleasure that she could use as a mental escape.

“Well? Does it still scare you?”
“No, it’s honestly kind of cute. I can tell how much you’re enjoying it by how much it twitches.”

“Yes, you are better at this than you have any right to be.”

“Liar. I’m sure you’ve forced countless women to do this.”

“Be that as it may, it belongs to you at present. Please tease it to your heart’s content.”

She had trembled in humiliation at first, but as she continued the blowjob, an odd feeling grew inside her and she actively wanted to keep doing it. As the name suggested, this was an active “job” and she could see the man tremble in pleasure as a result of her work.

Orally pleasuring a man might seem utterly humiliating, but it also let you have your way with his greatest weak point. His blood was currently gathered in that member. If she wanted to, she could bite it off and he might just die of blood loss.

During the act of fellatio, the woman’s mental state could range from trembling in humiliation or basking in superiority.

Malicia was clever enough to pick up on this quickly.

She held his life in her hands – or her mouth, technically. That was an odd thought and it made that sinister member seem almost adorable and lovable.

“Lick the sack below it as well.”

With a bewitching dampness in her amber eyes, she did as told. She took the sack into her mouth and sucked on the balls within.

As she grew bolder, she finally opened her mouth wide on her lovely flower of a face and took his massive cock inside.

However, only a little over half fit in her mouth.

It was so thick and large she had trouble breathing. She could not believe that had been inside her vagina.

With her mouth full of cock, she had to breathe through her nose and those breaths tickled his crotch.

He rubbed her head now that she had grown so obedient. He undid her glossy blonde hair so it fell down her shoulders and back. A fancy perfume reached his nose.

He entertained himself by imagining the looks on the faces of the older members of the royal court if they knew what the queen was doing here.

Her beauty and elegance seemed to be a concentrated form of the adoration she received from the people, but right now, she was his and she was focused on pleasuring him while sucking at his meat like a starving dog.

He felt like she was sucking him off with more skill than any woman before and he drowned in the ocean of melting pleasure that left his crotch and covered his entire body. Of course, that was only an illusion. This was her first blowjob, so she had no technique to speak of. But illusions played an important role in the pleasure one felt.

“U-ughh, mh.”

She choked when he started ejaculating in her mouth. The hot and sticky liquid struck the back of her throat with unbelievable force.


Smelly cum dripped from the corner of her shapely mouth.

Sweat soaked her nose and her too-perfect face was distorted. The semen flowing from her lips dripped from her cheek to her chin. Then it dripped to her throat and collarbones.

A cum facial satisfied a man’s desire to conquer a woman. Especially when she was a queen.

“Swallow it. All of it.”

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she finally shut her eyes in resignation and worked her white throat.


After swallowing all of the smelly man milk filling her mouth, she reopened her eyes and let out an absentminded sigh.

“Was it good?”
Her amber eyes moved restlessly side to side behind her barely-opened eyelids and she remained silent for a bit before answering.

“I don’t know.”

Her refined nature must have been something she was born with. She managed to look noble even with semen dripping from her mouth.

He could not help but stare.

How could one woman make him want to conquer her so badly? He wanted to see her so taken in by passion that she lost all of her elegance and sought nothing but pleasure.

“Are you satisfied?”

“No, not even close.”

He placed an arm around her back and one below her knees to pick her up and then left the room.

The maid waiting outside was shocked by the appearance of her master and the guest.

“Where is Her Majesty’s bedroom?”

Malicia wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face against his chest to hide it, but she could not hide that she was only wearing sexy underwear.


The maid was dumbfounded, but once she realized what was going on, she decided it was best not to pry and silently pointed in the right direction.

After entering the bedroom with Malicia in his arms, Selune tossed her onto the perfectly-made pure white sheets of the canopied bed and then hopped on himself.

He removed the shoulder strap still on her right shoulder and bared both her breasts which retained their shape perfectly even while she lay on her back. He grabbed and gently massaged them in his hands to enjoy the superb feeling of her skin. Then he lowered one hand to rub along her inner thigh and raised her arm to bury his face in her defenseless armpit where he sniffed at the trapped smell and licked her.


She writhed in embarrassment and let out a heated breath while he pulled up the bottom of her heavenly raiment. That thin silk camisole was now entirely wrapped around her stomach.

The erotic panties were now visible between her thighs. The thin garment was made of the finest silk, it used a lot of lace, and it had a rose vine pattern stitched into it.

The center of the crotch was already wet, revealing the shape of what lay below. When he traced a finger along the slit, she arched her back and moaned longingly.


She looked worried and called his name, so he gave a small nod to put her at ease.

His fingering continued to produce moans from her. Finally, he gently buried his face in her crotch.

His hot breath on that sensitive area elicited a sweet cry from her.

He sniffed through her panties and dug his nose into the slit.

He attacked her so thoroughly it would make a street-corner whore blush, but she could only clutch the sheet and bear with it.

When he looked up to observe things, the thin cloth covering her privates was soaked on one side with his saliva and on the other with her love juices and it was completely plastered to the contours of her labia.

Satisfied by how much this was affecting her, he pulled the thin cloth away and kissed her fragrant labia directly.

“Ahhh, ahh…ahn.”

She moaned loudly and writhed wildly. All the teasing made it impossible not to moan now.

His tongue crawled all along the inside of her labia and licked at all the inner flesh. His saliva joined the love juices in there as he licked across everything.

Her entire body writhed while the moaning continued.


She had a vacant look in her eyes and she was moaning wildly, but she still managed to look refined.

He suddenly grabbed her wandering legs, lifted them up, and bent her body over.


The bending made her groan from the difficulty she had breathing. He lifted up her butt and revealed all of her embarrassing parts to his eyes.

Even her cute anus was defenselessly exposed.

He did not hesitate to attack that attractive hole.

“Ahhh…there too? Wait, not there.”

She cried out in embarrassment while her legs struggled and she tried to unfold her body, but she could not fight his strength. He actually spread her legs further and held them in place.

“Hhh, nhh, ah, ahh…khh…ah, ahn.”

As he so persistently teased her embarrassing spring, she eventually gave up resisting and instead shook her blushing face side to side. She had a look of sweet agony on that face.

(Ahh, he’s actually licking my butt. I-it’s so embarrassing. It’s too embarrassing…but it feels good too.)
The intense embarrassment amplified the pleasure, so the red plum blossom of her vulva twitched and released a whitish fluid.

He pushed his tongue tip into her anus while sticking a finger into her vagina and stirring her up inside.

“Ahhh, ah, hhh, kh, hh, nh.”

That heavenly beautiful woman’s cries grew even louder.

She could not think straight thanks to the bottomless pleasure she was feeling.

He noticed her clitoris had pushed out of its hood to expose its glossy self.

Feeling mischievous, he lightly poked it with his finger.

A powerful tremor ran through her body. Her body was like a water balloon filled to the limit and it was boiling lava that whirled within.

“That is a lot more sensitive than last time. Is that what you used to pleasure yourself?”


“Tell me.”


She breathed so heavily she seemed feverish and she trembled in embarrassment as she answered honestly. She was close to losing her rational mind – and it was half gone already – and he was working to entirely eliminate it.

His penis was already hard once more and pointed up toward the heavens.

He leaned over her trembling body and pierced the center of the magma.

“Ahh, ahhhh.”

She could see his impressive flesh spear sinking into her labia. She wrinkled her brow and moaned, but she felt none of the pain she had last time. In fact, she felt a completeness, like they were meant to be fit together like this.

But as great as the carnal pleasure was, the sight was far too obscene. Each time his thick member penetrated her soaked female flesh, foaming love juices erupted out and rained down on her lower stomach, camisole, and face. She could not bear to stare directly at it, yet she could not take her eyes off of it either.

“Ahh, hhh, ahhhn, hh.”

Moans endlessly left her half-opened lips. The foreign object stirring her up inside should have felt weird, but that weirdness was all converted into pleasure.

He moved his hips hard enough to make a noise.

“Ahhhh, ahhh, ahh, ah, ahhh.”

Her entire body seemed to bounce. The intense in-and-out moved her hips while the rest of her writhed in pleasure.

“Ahh, it’s so deep. It’s hitting me so deep. And it’s filling me…filling me so much.”

His dick continued pumping in and out of her honeypot flowing endlessly with its secret honey. She could not help but learn the pleasure found in the longing she felt as it pulled out and the fulfilment she felt when it pushed inside.

Each time she heard their flesh rubbing together, the wave of pleasure grew and her mind went blank.

He moved so intently she thought he was trying to stir up all of her insides and she moaned loud enough for saliva to spray from her mouth.

“Ahhh, I’m cumming, I am…help me, Selune!”

She desperately clung to him while he stirred up her soft hole.

“I’m cumming, cumming, cumming, ahh, ah…ahhhhh!”
Still holding onto him, she arched her back. The Queen of Orsini experienced her first orgasm from sex.

But her upbringing as a proper lady left her unprepared to stop the release of her lust once it broke free, so she ended up asking for it again and again. He complied every single time.

“Selune, I want you to sleep with me and hold me tight.”

She made that tearful request while her long legs wrapped around his hips.

“I want you to penetrate me. I want you to do me over and over.”

She got on all fours and let him do her from behind.

“I’m cumming, it feels so good I’m going to die, ahhh!”
She normally seemed too calm and composed to have ever even sweated, but her entire body was slick with a sexual sweat as she tried out many different positions, arched her back and cried out in climax, and squeezed tightly with her vagina.

After tensing up, her body rapidly went limp, but he continued thrusting his hips all the same.

“Pant, pant, pant. Ahh, Selune, a-are you still not done?”
After trying out all sorts of positions and losing track of how many times she was brought to orgasm, Malicia felt like all her strength had been sapped from her, so she finally admitted defeat.

“Not even close. Just as you must strike while the iron is hot, sleeping with a woman over and over without giving her a chance to rest is the quickest way to increase her sexual sensitivity.”

He grabbed her slender wrists, pinned her down, and thrust his hips.

“Ahh, hh.”

He pounded her so hard her shapely breasts shook back and forth. Sexual fluids soaked the sheets.

She was utterly exhausted both physically and mentally and she felt like her body was melting, but the fire burning deep within her was still not sated.

Again and again, she was brought to climaxes that felt like wandering the line between life and death, but while the solid member piercing her would occasionally throb, it had yet to release its seed even once.

She wanted that hot male fluid inside her like that first time. She could sense that subconscious desire of her body.

“Ah, ah, ahh! I’ll die, I’ll die, I’ll really die!”

He saw this reaction as his time to quicken his thrusting. He shook her back and forth hard enough for her breaths to sound like the cries of a wild animal.

“Ahn, ahn, ahh! Together, let’s cum together, I don’t want to do it alone.”

She cried out to him, clung to him, and pleaded with him

“Ah, I-I’m cumming again! But I don’t want to cum alone! Ahh, hhh.”

Her moans became convulsions. Her knees shook and hot female pleasure raced up her spine. Her inner flesh convulsed as well and that seemed to spread to his manhood as it began throbbing.

“S-Selune, I love you, I love you. I’ve always loved you! Ahhhhh!”

Back in the day, all the women in the royal court had been infatuated with him. And she had been no exception. He had brought a flutter to her young heart. She had never imagined her first love would come to fruition like this ten years later.

“Ah, ah…kh, khh!”

As she came yet again, an irregular convulsion ran from her white stomach to her feet.

It was impossible to tell whose genitals were throbbing so deeply. They held each other in their arms and shared an incredible orgasm.

He finally ejaculated while enjoying her orgasmic squeezing.

When she felt the male torrent flowing into the womb deep inside her, she felt unbelievable pleasure and rose to an even greater climax.

“Ahh, Selune, you’re so incredible.”

The feeling of his sap in her womb seemed to bring her to the greatest of climaxes.

“Ahh, it’s so hot, ah, ahhh…so hot. Ahh.”

Malicia screamed. No, she tried to, but it ended up as a voiceless moan instead. A moment later, a warm wetness surrounded his lower body.

Her limbs convulsed and her vaginal walls did the same while squeezing the man inside her.

Finally, her body calmed and she lay limply on the bed with her eyes shut.

He did not bother pulling out of her as he brushed her amber hair, rubbed her rising-and-falling breasts, and waited for her to wake.

When she did slowly awaken, she felt his lips on her chin and his hands lightly holding hers. She happily accepted his lips. Once the kiss was over, he got up and finally pulled out of her.


She gave him a longing and loving look and he gave her a fairly cruel smile.

“Heh heh. Pissing yourself and passing out does make for an exciting way to cum. The sheets are soaked.”

She did not know what he meant at first and blinked a few times, but then it hit her. She covered her face with one hand and hid her crotch behind a pillow. Her face felt like it was burning.

“But…but that was because you teased me for so long and then came with me at the end. It felt like I was floating up to heaven and then dropped back down, so I didn’t really know what was happening, but it felt amazing.”

He almost laughed when he saw her trembling from embarrassment and breathing heavily.

“Tell me next time you’re going to piss yourself. I’ll drink it for you.”

“Please don’t say that.”

She blushed brighter and wiggled her body in protest with the one hand still covering her face.

“Now, let’s get some sleep. Even I’m tired after that. And we should be busy starting tomorrow.”

“Um, Selune. Do you think we can win?”
He silenced her worried question by pulling her into his arm.

“I’ve been baptized with holy water. I can’t possibly lose.”

“Oh, come on.”

She knew he was teasing her, so she lightly struck his chest with her fist.

He gave her a refreshing smile, held her tight, and whispered in her ear.

“Rest easy tonight. I am here to protect you all night long.”
It was not much, but that was the moment he truly grasped hold of her heart.

The fact that he could say things like that without a moment’s hesitation showed just how much of a playboy he was.

But it made her feel like she could trust him. She indulged in the luxury of sleeping in the arms of a man she loved. She had not had such restful sleep since learning of her father Cerufus’s death. Or perhaps not since being born.

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